Chapter ~•Seven•~

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Sorry for the long wait- I'll try to update this book more often.

-The Next Day-
With The Russian Empire and Prussia:

Russia had invited Prussia over to talk about the war that was going to happen sooner or later with Austria-Hungary and The German Reich/Second Reich. They both were drinking wine and just chatting.

"I recently talked to Austria... He seemed nice, but I didn't know that he went blind... That's very unfortunate." Prussia said then sipped some of the wine. Russia nodded in response, "Indeed it is, but just because he went blind doesn't mean we should feel sympathy for him. He's in the wrong."

Prussia put his wine glass down on a small wooden table beside where he was sitting, "Of course, I agree completely. War wasn't the way to solve his issues with Serbia... Then Reich decided to declare war on you, that was also very wrong of him to do.. My brother can be very impulsive at times, forgive his behavior."

"I afraid I cannot do so. You are a very good friend of mine, but I cannot forgive your brother. I hope you understand." Prussia sighed then nodded, "I understand... That's you're choice, I hope this doesn't interfere with our relationship."

Russia smiled softly, "No it doesn't. You are not your brother, there is no reason for our friendship to be ruined because of this. I care about you."

Prussia blushed a little then cleared his throat, "I-I'm glad you think that way mein Freund.." Russia immediately noticed that the other man was blushing and decided to sit down next to him, "I just realized that earlier you said relationship instead of friendship. Why is that?"

"Isn't a friendship a type of relationship? If so I don't see what the problem is with me replacing friendship with the word relationship. It's perfectly fine."

The taller man let out a chuckle then stood up, "I guess you're right." He walked over to a record player then turned it on, afterwards looking at his 'friend' and smiled. As the music started playing he walked back to Prussia then held out his hand towards him, "Would you like to dance with me?"

Prussia looked up at him and remained seated, "But men don't dance with men.. Our humans find it socially unexceptional."

"Screw the humans. Since when did we care about what they think? We are empires, we don't care about the people we care about the power they give us. No one is here to watch us anyways, what's the harm in one small dance?"

Prussia blushed a little more and let out a soft chuckle, "I guess you're right... But I don't know how to dance. I never had the chance to learn."

"Then I shall teach you." Russia said then grabbed the other empire's hand. He helped him up then placed one hand on Prussia's side and used the other to grab the smaller man's hand.

"I-I'm not sure if-"

"Shhhh... I'll lead. Put your other hand on my shoulder." Russia instructed. Prussia did as he was told and placed his free hand onto Russia's shoulder then gazed into his one bright yellow eye. "Dancing is a passion of mine, it's something I do when I have free time. Now just follow my lead and you'll learn how to do this in an instant."

Russia made sure to go slowly so Prussia could follow along without a problem. Soon enough the smaller of the two started to understand the moves and seemed to be doing everything on beat with Russia. The song that was playing was very interesting to Prussia, he liked the song, it was music from some kind of orchestra.

He could hear all kinds of beautiful instruments such as violins and cellos. But there was what sounded like some kind of music box chime in the song which made it somewhat creepy yet beautiful. There was also a piano in the music, the way it was played gave of a strange yet beautiful vibe.

"What is this song?" Prussia asked.

"It's called The Dark Waltz, it is a Russian song." Russia replied, they both started to quicken their pace as the music started to get faster. "It's a strangely beautiful song... But something about it seems... I don't know, I can't quite put it into words.."

Russia smiled a bit, "I understand how you feel.."

They waltzed for a few minutes more untill the song was finally over. Russia and Prussia stopped dancing and we're now just staring into each other's eyes.

The Russian Empire leaned down towards the Prussian and caressed his cheek, "May I just... Kiss you-?"

Prussia blushed a lot and but his lip a little then nodded in response. He didn't say anything, he just nodded. Russia took this as an obvious invitation so he slowly pressed his lips against the other man's then started to kiss him. Prussia kissed the taller man back and they both just enjoyed the attention they were getting from the other.

"What the actual fuck is going on here?!"

Russia pulled away then looked in the direction of whomever said that, "Soviet?! I thought you were out drinking!!" Prussia seemed embarrassed and just looked away while Soviet was clearly disgusted, "I decided to come home early- What's wrong with you two?! You're both men!!"

Russia huffed angrily, "What I do is none of your concern!! Go to your room!!" Soviet rolled his eyes, "Fine. I'm good as long as I'm away from you two disgusting people!" He walked away and went to his room.

Russia looked at Prussia, "I'm so sorry about that! Please don't mind my son!"

"It's fine... I think I should head back home now." Prussia said then smiled a little. He kissed Russia on his cheek, "Auf Wiedersehen."

Russia gently ran his fingers over the area Prussia had kissed him then blushed, "I-I... Goodbye to you too... I hope to see you soon.." He smiled.

Prussia chuckled, "Don't worry, we most definitely will meet again." He walked towards the front door then went outside.

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