Chapter ~•Three•~

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Many many, days Later:
ᴊᴜʟʏ 28, 1914
Serbia's POV:

Oh shit.

Austria Hungary actually declared war on me, I wasn't expecting this... It's not like I can give in to his demands! His demands are ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! I had received a letter from Austria Hungary saying that he wanted me to arrest anyone in my country that speak out against him.

He wants me to suppress my peoples freedom of speech for the sake of him being sure this won't happen again, he's my enemy I'll let my people say whatever the hell they want about him.

Now the whole damn world knows about this... This was Austria's fault! Not mine!

He started this!

He owns land that belongs to me!

Bosnia belongs to me!

I can't fight Austria on my own... I need help. And I know just the guy who would be willing to help. My good old friend The Russian Empire.

With Austria Hungary
Austria's POV:

The audacity of that Serb!!! Doest he really think he has a chance against me?! What's wrong with him?! I gave him a simple task to do and he refuses to do them?!

Well... If that's how it's gonna be then I guess he wants war...

And I'm all for war...

"Austria! Are you sure about this? As much as I'd love to get my hands on some new land because of war, I don't think this is a good idea..."

That's Reich's voice... His voice soothes me... I may not be able to see his face but I can very well hear the worry in his voice. What is he worried about? He should know that I'm clearly more powerful then that idiot Serbia.

"Why not?" I ask. I feel his hands being placed on my shoulders, it feels like he's wearing gloves. Him and I tend to wear gloves a lot, it's kinda like a fashion trend I guess. He normally only wears then when he goes out into public.

Is he leaving somewhere? I'm sure he would've told me that he was leaving beforehand. He wouldn't leave me alone, would he?

"Russia looks like he wants to get involved." Reich says. Now that I think about it Russia is a problem... This could ruin my plans...

"That's not good..."

I hear Reich sigh, "I know. I will talk to The Russian Empire tomorrow by telegram, if he gets involved then I will too." I couldn't help but smile, obviously he was gonna say that but it's still nice to know that he's gonna help me in this war if I truly need it.

"Thank you My Love."

"Your welcome. I'd never leave you to fend for yourself Austria, I'm here for you." I felt his gloved hand caressing my cheek, I would much prefer it if he didn't have his gloves on.

Why are his gloves on? As previously stated, he only wears gloves when he's put in public. Is he leaving? If so, why?

"You look distressed Leibe... Is something wrong?"

"I.... I just noticed that you have your gloves on... Are you going somewhere?"

Reich's hand removed itself away from my face then I heard him walking away, probably only a few steps, he let out a sigh then said, "Yes."

"Where?" I asked. Am I asking to much questions?

"To my house in Berlin. I know its quite a while away but I need to return home soon."

"What for?" I'm starting to feel like he's hiding something from me. His voice sounds very unsure. Is it something I did? Is it because he's tired of helping me see?

"Well I have important items there that I need to make sure are safe. I have servants and animals there too I need to make sure the servants are being paid and the dogs well fed."

I sighed, of course he has to go home I can't keep him here with me forever...

"You can come if you'd like Austria."

"I'd love to come!" I smiled quite a bit, I must've looked like some kind of idiot because he laughed. I guess my appearance doesn't exactly matter because I do enjoy listening to his laugh.

His laughter died down, "You sound excited Leibe."

"Of course I am! I've always wondered what you home looked like- Oh... Yeah... I'm blind..." I let out a soft chuckle to hopefully lighten up the mood.

It's odd how anyone could forget that their blind.

"Yeah... Uh, I'm sure it'll be a nice experience for you wither way Love." He put his hand on my shoulder then kissed my cheek. I felt my face heat up a little and I'm pretty sure he noticed, but of course I can't see anything so how would I know?

I smiled a little, "I'm sure it would."

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