Chapter ~•Two•~

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ᴊᴜɴᴇ 28ᴛʜ 1914
Hours Later

Reich had decided that he should stay with Austria Hungary at all times because of the incident that happened earlier. He felt very over protective over his boyfriend and wanted to be sure that nothing was gonna happen to him. So right now they we're both in a car and Austria Hungary had eye patches over both his eyes because he had no use for his eyes anyways and now he could just show off what he had on his flag without a problem.

Reich looked at the time, it was 10:40 am. He sighed softly then looked at Austria, "You doing alright?"

Austria Hungary smiled a bit then nodded, "I'm still a little shocked that my vision was taken away so quickly but I assure you I'm fine. But you on the other hand sound a bit worried."

"Of course I'm worried... You got out of the hospital merely a few hours ago." The German said then held his lover's hand.

Austria Hungary reassuringly smiled then felt around to find Reich's shoulder. After he found it, he leaned his head against it then said, "Don't worry about me love." Reich smiled a little then held his hand tighter.

Suddenly Reich noticed Serbia in the distance. He arched an eyebrow in confusion, "What's he doing here..?" Austria heard what he said so he asked, "Who?"

Before Reich could answer Serbia had pulled out a gun then aimed it at Austria Hungary then pulled the trigger then at Reich doing the same.

Reich tried to pull Austria down before he got shot and manage to save him from getting a fatal shot although Austria Hungary was grazed by the bullet on his neck. He may have been blind but he obviously felt the bullet grazing his neck.

He put his hand over where the bullet grazed him feeling that the white gloves he normally wore started to feel a little wet, "What was that?!" Reich was also nearly shot but Serbia missed the shot then ran after seeing there were police there.

"That was Serbia... That idiot tried to fucking kill us..." Reich mumbled then clenched his fists very tightly.

"I knew he was angry about the fact I wouldn't let Bosnia go but I didn't think it would escalate to this..." Austria's gritted his teeth then let out an angry sigh, "If Serbia doesn't fucking do something to apologize for this I'm declaring war on him... He better give in to my demands."

Reich nodded then sighed, "Well... We'll have to see about that... You'll have to wait a few days if you want him to respond, it'll take him a while to receive the demands then send a response."

Austria Hungary nodded, "Of course. I'm aware of that. But do you mind helping me write a letter, the sooner I get the demands sent the sooner he shall give a response."

Reich nodded not remembering that Austria couldn't exactly see him nodding. Once he realized his mistake he let out an awkward cough then said, "Yes, of course I don't mind. Let's get back to your house so we could get this over with."

Austria nodded, "Mhm." He obviously was still pissed that Serbia had tried to kill him. The area where the bullet had grazed him was still bleeding a little and stung. Austria Hungary didn't exactly think about this because his anger had distracted him from the small would.

Reich looked at it, "Maybe we should deal with your wound first before we continue on with the demands." Austria put his gloved hand again his neck, "Ah, yes, you're right. We'll deal with that then get to the letter."

Austria Hungary instructed the driver to head to his house so that what he did. So now they were headed to Austria's house so they can do what they needed to.

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