Chapter ~•Six•~

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Reich noticed that if France was gonna join this war he would be on Russia's side no matter what. He made that very clear. "I need to attack France before he attacks me... I refuse to just stand idly by while France gains more military strength... But it's not like I could just go into his country! His border is heavily armed..." He looked at the map taped to the wall in front of him.

His eyes landed on Belgium and he smirked, "Maybe if Belgium allows me to travel with my soldiers through his country I can go around France's defenses and attack him with ease." He chuckled a bit and kept looking at World War 1.

Austria Hungary walked into the room, "Babe-? What are you doing?"

Reich looked at Austria, "Oh, just planning an attack on France nothing important. What about you darling?" Austria walked further into the room and felt around for Reich, "I was just looking for you, I felt lonely..."

The German walked up to him then softly kissed his lover's forehead, "Hm I see... Wanna cuddle?"

"I don't see, and yes I do." Austria chuckled a little.

"I needed to talk to you about something anyways... I understand that my brother was here a few days ago... You two were... Alone.."

Austria already saw where Reich was going with this and immediately felt offended, "Exactly what is your point?! He was there for you anyways."

"I don't trust him. Don't let him inside next time."

The Austro-Hungarian sighed softly and didn't argue, "Fine, fine. Let's just go cuddle now." He tugged on Reich's arm wanting him to go with him. Reich chuckled and scooped Austria Hungary up in his arms then carried him out of the room.

~A few hours later~

Reich's German Soldiers were already at Belgium while Reich himself was at home with his boyfriend. He heard a knock so he went to see who it was

Second Reich's POV

Austria Hungary and I were sitting on our couch and he was leaning against me when we both heard knocking. I, didn't want to disturb my Leibe but alas, one of us must see who's at the door.

I reluctantly get up and head towards the door and see Ottoman there. At least it's a friend and not someone like Prussia. I hate Prussia, I'm still mad at him for coming into my home uninvited.

For all I know he was trying to flirt with Austria!!

He needs to stay out of my business before I kill him! I know he's been talking to Russia, that asshole is probably trying to give my enemy information about me and Austria!

"Reich?" Ottoman said. I snapped out of my thought, "O-Oh, my apologies! Hallo Otto! Why are you here my old friend?"

He sighed a little, "Have you seen this?" He showed me a newspaper and gave it to me. I read the paper and it was about how Belgium was refusing to allow my troops through his country.

That bastard...

We could've been friends and I wouldn't have had to hurt him, but if he's gonna refuse then I guess I'm gonna have to do this by force.

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