Chapter ~•Nine•~

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ᴀᴜɢᴜꜱᴛ 6ᴛʜ, 1914

"I know my brother has been hanging out with that damn Russian... My enemy..." Reich clenched his fist as he was sitting down and glaring at a black and white photo of him and Prussia. Austria walked up behind him then put his hand on Reich's shoulder, "You feel tense... Calm down.."

Reich put his hand over Austria's then calmed down a bit, "I don't understand why I hate him so much... Maybe it's because my father seemed to favor him more..?"

Austria-Hungary sighed, "Possibly... But don't think about it too much my love... We have a war to focus on, your brother is the least of our worries..."

Reich nodded although Austria couldn't see, "You're right.."

Austria sighed softly, "I already declared war on Russia earlier, although I'm not sure if he received the message yet. And another thing, Serbia has declared war on you."

"Serbia has the audacity to declare war on me?! He only did that because Britain already did. He thinks that with Britain on his side he'll win!" Reich laughed a little, "They stand no chance against us though. I know exactly how to handle this.."

"And exactly how shall you handle this my love?" Austria-Hungary seemed curious and intrigued.

Reich smirked, "Soon you'll see mein Liebling."

Austria-Hungary let out a soft chuckle, "I won't because I'm blind... Remember?"

"Oh, Es tut mir Leid-" Reich also chuckled, "Tomorrow, I shall finally be able to invade Belgium and defeat France. My army is stronger then theirs."

"Yes it is... You're much stronger than those two, even if Britain were to join them I doubt they would have a chance against you." Austria hummed a bit then leaned against the wooden table Reich was sitting behind, he felt strange for some odd reason.

He felt a little dizzy and slightly unbalanced but he shrugged it off as just being tired, "I'm gonna get to bed now... Goodnight Reich." Austria smiled a bit then walked away.

"Gute Nacht mein Liebling.."

ᴀᴜɢᴜꜱᴛ 7ᴛʜ, 1914

Reich had won a battle between him, France, Britain and Belgium. It was a big victory for the German and he felt that he was going to win this war. His confidence skyrocketed and he felt amazing.

He didn't realize that war would make him feel so... Alive.

List of stuff that happened from August to December
(Because this year is taking to long-)

-August 8th, 1914
Montenegro delcares war on Reich after seeing what he's doing to Britain, France and Belgium.

-August 11th 1914
France declares war on Austria-Hungary.

-August 16th 1914
Serbia defeats Austria-Hungary in a battle and Reich gets pissed.

-August 20th 1914
Reich invades The Russian Empire.

-August 25 1914
Imperial Japan declares war on Austria-Hungary because he felt threatened and thought that if he helped Britain and France out he'd end up getting some new land in the end.

-September 7th - 14th 1914
Reich beats The Russian Empire in a battle in the East area of Prussia's country. Russia withdraws his troops suffering from heavy casualties. Prussia is not happy about this at all.

-November 1st 1914
Russia declares war on the Ottoman Empire.

-The rest of November 1914
Britain, France, Serbia, Imeprial Japan and several others declare war on the Ottoman Empire since Ottoman is on Austria-hungary's and Reich's side.

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