Chapter ~•Eleven•~

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ᴊᴀɴᴜᴀʀʏ 31ꜱᴛ 1915

It was a normal war day for The Russian Empire, soldiers shouting, bullets flying, grenades exploding, and Reich using chemical warfare.

Wait a damn minute-

Chemical warfare?!

Russia coughed and tried to look through the thick, burning smokey chemicals that were filling the air. This was illegal, all the countries had agreed to avoid chemical warfare. So now, Britain was clearly pissed off at the Germans he was fighting against.

"Сука! How could he?! What is wrong with him?!" Russia rubbed his one good eye trying to ignore the stinging feeling. He could hear Reich laughing in the distance. "You idiot! What is wrong with you?! What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm winning this war!! That's what I'm doing!"

Russia finally managed to get over the pain in his eye so he glared at Reich, "Do you not realize that this type of warfare is illegal?! You can't use chemical warfare that's-"

"I don't care! This is war, there shouldn't be any rules!" Reich chuckled a bit then motioned for his soldiers to continue firing the shells filled with the gas he created out on the Russian army. Suddenly the wind started blowing in the direction of the German army but Reich paid no attention to that. He continued letting the chemicals out on the Russians.

"M-Mein Führer!" A German man said, trying to get Reich's attention, "The weather is getting colder! A-And the wind may blow the gas back at us!"

Reich looked at his fellow German, "Berlin, I know what I'm doing. Keep the gas going."

"But Uncle, I highly suggest that we-"

"Do as I say Berlin!!"

Berlin sighed and motioned for the soldiers to keep firing the shells despite his gut telling him that this was clearly a bad idea.

Russia noticed the wind and immediately understood that this wasn't gonna go well for the Germans much longer. He chuckled a bit and watched as the wind blew the gas back at the Germans.

Reich started coughing, "Scheisse-"

Russia laughed at him, "You fucking idiot! Look at what you did to yourself!"

Reich tried to ignore Russia and was focusing on getting his eyes to stop hurting. Berlin on the other hand was prepared for this and had previously put on a gas mask while his uncle was coughing and trying to breathe.

"Just wait till the press hears about this." Russia said then looked at the Russian standing besides him, "Son, write this down."

"Ok Papa." The Russian said then proceeded to write everything down.

"Oh, and one more thing Petrograd."

Petrograd looked at his father, "And what would that be?"

Russia let out a heavy sigh, "Send a letter to your brother, Soviet. Tell him that I will be coming home in a few weeks. I doubt that he would care, but he's going to be in a lot of trouble for starting unnecessary riots."

Petrograd nodded, "Yes sir."

Reich huffed and rubbed his eyes, "Berlin!! Get me a gas mask!" Berlin nodded, "Yes sir." He grabbed another gas mask that he happened to have then gave it to the empire.

After he put the mask ok he looked at his nephew then sighed, "That was a bad idea.."

"I know sir."

"At least now we know that we should do that again. Once the winds die down then we'll fire the shells again." Reich said. Berlin let out a soft sigh then looked at the gas tanks then back at his uncle, "Mein Führer... That won't be possible."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... The cold weather has caused the gas to freeze and it's become in affective. The gas hardly managed to do that much damage." Berlin stated. Reich ripped the gas mask off then angrily threw it onto the ground, "Verdammt!! Rückzug!" Immediately the German troops started to retreat while Russia clearly wanted to finish this battle.

"Get back here you cowards!!" Russia yelled.

Reich ignored them and retreated with his soldiers.

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