Chapter ~•Eight•~

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ᴀᴜɢᴜꜱᴛ 4ᴛʜ 1914

Britain spat out his tea as he read the newspaper, "What?! Reich invaded Belgium to flank France?! What is wrong with him?! Has he no honor?! Belgium had nothing to do with this war, why would Reich do that?!" He was clearly pissed about this whole situation, he didn't like that The German Reich thought it would be a good idea to invade an innocent bystander.

"I will not allow this too happen! This is getting out of hand! I didn't want to get involved but now I will." Britain adjusted his monocle, "England!!"

"Yes-?" England walked into the room and looked at Britain in a confused manner, "Are you alright my brother?"

"No. Reich is invading Belgium as we speak, he had nothing to do with the war and I refuse to stand idly by as he tries to invade an innocent country! Make it known that I declare war on him."

England smiled, "It's about time! I let the press know about it immediately!!" He quickly walked away to let everyone know about the war declaration that Britain had just made.

"Did I hear "war?!" Hell yeah!! I'm in!!" Scotland yelled.

"War?! Well this should be interesting... I guess I'll prepare the military then-" Wales said.

"This wi be fun! We haven't had a war in a while!!" Ireland said.

Britain chuckled, "Calm down all of you, hopefully this war will be quick and easy. I will send a telegram to my son America, hopefully he'll at least consider joining."

"Would America really join us? He's not the type of guy that likes getting involved with violence going on between other countries-" Scotland says. "Yeah, he's kinda young and stupid." Wales chuckles a bit.

Britain sighed, "If we want a guaranteed win, we need him on our side. Now, I'm going to send him a telegram and hope he'll help." He walked away to another room.

-A few hours later-
With America:

America looked at the crowd of people surrounding him. They all yelled at him with their questions hoping they would get noticed. The country sighed, "Everyone!! Please be quiet so I can explain my views on this!!!"

They all went silent to hear what he had to say.

"Now, the skirmish between the Europeans is honestly none of my concern. Yes, my father, Britain, had sent me a telegram asking if I would join the war but I refused. The reasoning behind this is that I don't want to lose any American lives during war. I don't want to pull men away from their families just to see them die and their wives and kids mourn over them!! Why should we be involved in a war that has nothing to do with us, the Americans?!"

He sighed softly then looked at the crowd, "We shouldn't have to loose the lives of our precious soldiers for a war that doesn't effect us in the slightest. I'm sorry Europe but you're on your own, solve your own problems. If this war eventually does harm my people in any way I will join but for now I declare neutrality. Thank you for understanding..." America walked away to get back to what he was originally doing before.

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