Chapter ~•One•~

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ᴊᴜɴᴇ 28ᴛʜ 1914

Austria Hungary was riding in a car waving at the people he was riding by. He seemed happy to see his people and vice versa. Everything was going perfectly, yet Austria Hungary was eager to hurry up and get this over with because he was scheduled to meet The German Reich after this was over.

He very desperately wanted to see his lover again.

Sight, a very nice thing. Austria Hungary really valued his ability to see things. Who wouldn't after all? If you had the choice to gouge out your eyes or chop a finger off what would you choose?

He loved to see his people, he loved to see Reich, he loved to see the beautiful scenery he got from his fancy house. But of course, you never truly know how much you value something until it's abruptly taken away.

That was something Austria Hungary was about to learn, right about.......... now.

The car in front of him exploded causing bits and pieces of it to shoot out in all directions. One of those directions just so happened to be straight into his eyes. It happened way too quickly for Austria to figure out what had just happened.

He closed his eyes tightly after feeling the sharp sudden pain in his eyes. All he heard was a loud ringing noise and some muffled screaming sounds before feeling that the car was moving again but this time faster then before.

Austria Hungary was extremely confused having no idea what the hell had just happened but he heard someone saying something to him but he couldn't hear them.

The car abruptly stopped then he felt someone grab his arm then pull him out of the car. At this point the ringing sound had started to die down and he heard a familiar voice say, "Austria! Can you hear me?!"

He nodded, "U-Uh yeah..?"

"Thank God! Ok let's get you into the damn hospital now-" The man was practically dragging him into what he assumed was the hospital since that's what he said he was gonna do. Austria Hungary's eyes were still shut tightly due to the debris that flew into his eyes earlier so he still couldn't see a thing.

He kept tripping over things causing the other man to keep catching him and making sure he didn't fall.

~Time skip~

Austria Hungary had bandages over his eyes since he had just gotten out of a surgery for his eyes. Someone was there with him holding his hand and keeping an eye on him.

Out of curiosity, Austria finally asked him, "Who are you?"

"It's me, Reich.." He replied. Austria Hungary smiled, "Oh! Of course you would be the one here helping me out! This is why I love you, you never leave me alone in the dark."

Reich smiled a bit then rubbed his thumb over the back of Austria's hand, "I love you too." He lifted his lover's hand up to his mouth then softly kissed it. Austria Hungary blushed a green and red hue then giggled softly.

Reich smiled a little more, his dark blue eyes looked at the bandages over Austria's eyes, "I think its time to take those bandages off Liebe." He softly caressed his cheek then started to take the bandages off of his eyes.

After they were completely off Austria Hungary opened his eyes to reveal that his eyes were no longer red and green anymore. They were a dull grey color instead. Reich was clearly shocked to see that and he looked at his eyes for a few seconds before opening his mouth to speak.

Before he could say word, he noticed that Austria's hand was shaking. He looked at his lover in a confused manner and saw that he was staring at seemingly nothing.

"Reich, why is it so dark..?"

"What are you talking about? There's light in here, the sun is shining very brightly through the window Love, it's not dark." Reich's expression turned from confused to worried and concerned.

"I can't see anything!!! Why can't I see anything?! Reich i-it's dark! I'm scared! Where are you?!" Austria Hungary was starting to panic, he couldn't see anything but a dark abyss that went on for forever. If Reich wasn't there he would've felt completely alone.

Reich grabbed Austria's hand and tightly gripped it, his worry only started to grow even more when he saw his Love panicking, "I'm right here, it's ok.."

Austria Hungary's breathing was rapid and his heart was racing in his chest. He felt a little calmer after feeling Reich's hand hold his and hearing his voice. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and he held the German's hand very tightly, "I'm scared..."

Reich pulled Austria Hungary into a hug and softly rubbed his back, "Shhhh, it's ok... I'm right here to protect you, you don't have to be scared..."

The Austro-Hungarian tightly held onto Reich tightly and slowly started to steady his breath. He started to calm down some more bit still didn't like the fact he couldn't see anything at all.

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