Chapter ~•Five•~

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ᴀᴜɢᴜꜱᴛ 1ꜱᴛ 1914

Reich officially declared war on Russia and made it known to the public.

Russia and France have mobilized their armies.

Fascist Italy, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway declared neutrality since people were asking them to pick a side.

And right now Reich, was meeting up with another well known Empire hoping to gain a new ally. He knocked on the door to a small but fancy house and patiently waited for an answer.

The door opened, "Well, if it isn't the guy that declared war on The Russian Empire himself! I must say, you have quite the courage if you declared war on Russia out of all countries!"

Reich chuckled softly, "Yes indeed. May I come and talk to you inside Ottoman?"

The Ottoman Empire nodded then allowed Reich to come inside.

With Austria Hungary

Austria knew that Reich was gone so he had been having trouble roaming around since he was blind. He had been trying new techniques to navigate around the house such as making a clicking noise with his tongue and using sound to figure out where everything is.

This seemed to be very useful for him and he had been doing frankly well with this echolocation technique but it didn't exactly work all the time.

He heard someone knocking so he put on his eye patches because when Reich described to him how his eyes looked he didn't like the sound of it, and what was the point of showing his eyes if they were useless to him? He might as well gouge them out and nothing would change.

Austria Hungary made several clicking noises so he wouldn't bump into a wall or anything. Once he made it to the door he felt around for the doorknob.

"Fuck where is it-?!"

Austria angrily felt around for a few more seconds before finally finding the doorknob then turning it and opening the door, "Hello?"

"Um, hi- Isn't Reich supposed to be here? This is his house if I'm not mistaken, correct?"

"Yes this is his house but he isn't exactly home at the moment. Your voice is familiar but not familiar enough for me to recognize, who are you if I may ask?" Austria asked.

"I'm Prussia, Reich's brother. I've been meaning to talk to him for a while now."

"Ah yes, I remember you. Come in!" Austria Hungary stepped aside allowing Prussia to come inside.

Prussia didn't know that Austria Hungary went blind so he was somewhat curious about the eye patches he had on. Of course Prussia had an eye patch of his own which had a black bird on it.

Austria occasionally made a clicking sound making the Prussian even more confused so he finally said, "Is there a reason you're making those noises? I hope that didn't sound rude, I understand you and my brother are in love after all."

"I do that to make sure I don't bump into anything since I'm blind. Certain areas sound different then others. Some day I might be able to not need to do this anymore but for now I will." Austria explained. Prussia nodded in understanding, "Ah, I see."

Austria chuckled, "I don't." He joked earning a hearty laugh from Prussia, "I'm so sorry, I'm not sure if I should've laughed at that."

The Austro Hungarian laughed a little, "It's fine." He suddenly realized that Prussia had said that he knew him and Reich were in love, "Wait a minute, I couldn't help but notice that you said that your brother and I are in love? Unless I heard wrong."

"No you didn't hear me wrong, I knew that you two loved each other for a while now. It's rather obvious. But I must warn you of something." Prussia said with a concerned sound in his voice.

"What is it...?"

"Well, I've heard of two male lovers that had gotten intimate with each other and the submissive male got pregnant." Prussia replied.

Austria laughed at that statement, "A male with child?! That is unheard of and utterly ridiculous! Everyone knows that no human man could ever-"

Prussia let out a frustrated sigh, "We're not just humans. We are country humans. We may have the word human in the name of our species but we are not exactly human. Have you realized that most of us countries are male?"

Austria thought about it. He was right, most countryhumans were males. If any of them wanted to have a baby they'd have to find a female country. Which there weren't many.

The Russian Empire's wife was obviously female. Scotland was female but she was married to England. The Qing Dynasty was also female but seemed to be getting close to Russia's son Soviet.

"It only makes sense that male countryhumans would be able to bear a child. We don't have the same anatomy as the standard human being, so be aware of your... Alone time with my brother because your relationship will be known if something goes wrong."

Austria Hungary sighed, "Thank you for your advice, but was there a reason you came here Prussia?"

"I just wanted to speak to my brother but since he isn't here I have no idea what I should do now..."

Austria chuckled a bit, "Well I guess you can wait here till he comes back home. It shouldn't be long until he arrives, his meeting should be over by now if my sense of time is correct."

Prussia smiled, "I'd like that."

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