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The tears kept coming, and they wouldn't stop.
You could feel your breathing get short and desperate, and your mind became even more of a mess than the mess it already was.

Really? On your first day in LA? It couldn't wait until you had already calmed down from the events of the night before? Or just... Don't meet him at all?

You were trying to calm down, but it just wouldn't happen, feelings you thought you didn't feel anymore resurfaced, but you had to recover quickly to go back into work.

However,  you weren't ready to face Mingyu again, so you decided to work at the register instead of serving.

-Do you know how to work the register?- the girl working with you asked

-Yes- You replied. Desperate times call for desperate means, and this was one of them. The last time you worked a register was when you were 16, but you would make it work somehow.

A few minutes went by, and everything was going smoothly, the numbness started to leave your body, and you had forgotten about the incident that happened earlier.

-y/n, check for table 13, please- the girl working with you asks

Mingyu's table

You shook that thought off your mind just as fast as it arrived

-Right away- you reply with a bright smile

-I will be paying with a card, miss- you hear a familiar voice say

Fucking Mingyu

-Why did you come here? The check is taken at the table- You say in between gritted teeth

-you should wait at the table... Sir- you say as respectfully as possible, he is a client after all

-Well, any consumer that comes here a few times knows that when you pay with a card, you have to come to the card terminal- Mingyu replies before pausing and continuing

-oh, you didn't know? Wow, it's almost as if... You don't actually work here- He says, and a small grin shows up on his face

-Why are you here, y/n?- He asks in an annoyed tone

-Is that all I can help you with today, sir? We are in a bit of a rush, so I'm not able to chit-chat with customers - You look up from the register screen to smile at him so big that you were hoping it looked genuine. However, you could tell he knew it was a fake smile.

It's funny how many things were happening at that moment, yet the people around were oblivious to what was going on.

-Yes, thank you, miss- Mingyu mumbled while walking away to his girlfriend waiting for him.

You finished the shift, which went smoothly, and went back home to just lazy around the whole day. 

Your mom arrived from her errands and showed her gratitude for you helping out at the store, and when asking if everything went smoothly, you nodded. 

-Is everything ok?- your mom starts getting concerned, but you didn't want to worry her, so you just hugged her

-I'm just amazed at how far you have come- you reply

-oh y/n, I love you- your mom says while returning the hug tightly

- I love you too, mom. Thank you- you close your eyes and you stay in a hug for what seems for an eternity, making you forget of the events of that day, even for just a second.


You spent the entire day just watching movies and overthinking what had happened with Jaehyun. This wasn't how you wanted to spend that day.

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