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ever since that day, you woke up feeling light and happy.

You were still heartbroken about not being with Jaehyun right now and having your future together being up in the air, but you felt a weight come off your shoulders

Mingyu apologized.

You accepted his apology. Not enough to become friends with him or willingly stay in contact with him, but at least now you felt a closure you hadn't had for years

He apologized before, when you caught him with Alice, or when you found out of Cousin A, but unlike the other times, this apology seemed more sincere.

Before, he said them desperately to get you to go back to him, but this time with both of you going your separate ways for years, this apology seemed more mature and legitimate, he knew he hurt you and apologized for it from the bottom of his heart.

it had been 2 months since that night, and you didn't talk with Mingyu since.

He visited the coffee shop with his fiancé once in a while, but outside of taking the orders and waitressing their table the times they sat in the area you served, you didn't mind each other. You didn't act harshly towards one another like you used to, but you weren't friends either.

and honestly, you liked things that way.


It had been 3 months since you came to LA

you talked to your friends in New York with a text here and a text there, and you didn't blame them for not talking with you for a long time... you were all adults with your own busy lives, it's not their fault you were unemployed and bored in the city you grew up in.

The situation between you and Jaehyun only grew worse. Last week, he sent you a message asking you where you were, at first you got your hopes up about him wanting to check in with you, but today he said that the only reason he wanted to know the address was that he wanted to send you your stuff for good.

Your heart was in shambles because that meant you were going to break up for sure, so you took a day off from the coffee shop to say your goodbyes to your relationship for good.

you went into a bar even though it was the middle of the day and asked for shots

5 minutes later someone sits down next to you in the bar and it was a man in his 40s

-hello beautiful, what brings you here in the middle of the day?- he says slurring his speech and with a drunk smirk on his face

-nonya- you say without looking at him

-what is nonya?- he says and puts his arm around you

you shift uncomfortably in your seat

-none ya business- you reply and get his arm off of you

he sits there for a couple of seconds with a blank stare and he starts laughing uncontrollably

-That was funny, I like my girls funny- he says and gets his face close to you

-excuse me you're in my seat- you hear a male voice say behind you

when you turn around you see it's Mingyu

-There are many chairs available or leave, we're busy- The drunk guy says and laughs while putting his arm around your waist

-I should make myself more clear, please leave my girlfriend alone- Mingyu says, he grabs the arm of the guy and grabs his wrist in a hold that by a single move could break it in an instant

-I get it, I get it- the man says and tidies up his shirt

-You call me if you change your mind about this guy baby girl- the guy says winking at you in a disgusting manner and drags his feet out of the bar

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