author notes

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I am all for doing the reading smoothly, so instead of adding author notes at the end of each chapter and making you lose your momentum, I have decided to add this "author notes section" at the end of the story. As of the time I started this, I just finished writing the first chapter. And so with each chapter written, here are my ideas fresh after registering, so this chapter has been in the making for however long this book goes on for. Will I ever complete the story? Who knows

if I completed the story, this would be a first, so please cheer for me


Haha, thank you, thank you. I want to thank my fingers because I can always count on them yada yada (not me celebrating something I haven't done yet...)

Here the chapter notes, written every time I finished a chapter but posted until the story ends.


Chapter a.
I have finished typing the first chapter.  I am new to this whole fanfic thing, and I wanted to avoid doing this. I wanted to make this an original story instead of fanfic, and I wrote the brainstorm for the story all good, but when it got to writing the name of the first character, I blanked

The names will be too basic, or won't be fitting of the character. Something that I often do (i have written stories before, but I usually end up unpublishing them) is I keep repeating names across all my stories, and after picking a yet another basic name, I lost motivation to write. 

Names of characters and thinking of new characters are a giant creativity killer for me. Does that make me a horrible writer? of course, and I own up to the bad writer title :(
In the last story I wrote before this one, I got so desperate that I went to a random name generator, but the names were just not it.

And then it all just clicked... what if... I make it a fanfic? And it was the perfect solution; I already had a story thought out in my mind. By choosing an idol, I could get all the characters thought out smoothly.

However, I had heard that some people don't learn to differentiate fanfic from reality, but hopefully my message at the very beginning helped... 

chapter b
the baby plot is too basic; yeah, I know, give me a break :(

As I said, I'm not a good writer, and I'm never claiming that title. If I call myself the worst writer ever, then I guess there is no way to go but up!!

chapter c
do you have any idea how hard it is to write a breakup scene when you have never broken up with anyone in your whole life?

chapter d
now, why did I cry reading this chapter?? Aicusa... you are the author?

The story has been up for like three weeks, and it has no reads, but it's ok. It gives me room to not be pressured on updates. I'm still going to keep updating every Tuesday though, to get in the habit  just in case readers do arrive someday

chapter e

idk if I like this whole moving back and forth thing of present to past... I feel it makes the story confusing, but when I sit down to be like, "ok then in what format should I write it in?" and I can't think of any other way... "worst writer ever" things, am I right? lmao

Also, wonwoo has been introduced yay!!

chapter f
fun fact the name Alice (of the best friend) which could be thought of as the most local name on here since it isn't the name of an idol. Well think again lmao I thought of Alice when I thought of the fandom Alice,  you know, the name of the Fanclub for the kpop group Victon

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