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Mingyu is in the shower so he could go to sleep, however with each passing minute ever since you were done, you feel even sicker to your stomach of what you had done and decide to leave immediately. Coming here was a bad idea. Everything about this was a bad idea.

You should've left LA with Jaehyun, you couldn't leave with him because there were no flight tickets, but it didn't matter; you should've found a way to go that day.

You didn't try hard enough. Was it that maybe you didn't make an effort to leave the same day Jaehyun did?

You felt disgusted with yourself for doing this. You were with Jaehyun; you loved Jaehyun. What made it worse is that you were heartbroken just like this five years ago. You hated Mingyu for doing this to you five years ago and now look at you.

You shook your head in anger towards yourself for letting this happen, and you stand up from the bed, look for your clothes, and as soon as you have them on, you walk. It was too late to call an uber, so you walked.

As you walked in the dark, you were scared of someone being there. You hated putting yourself in this situation.

You had done this in a sane mind, and no alcohol was involved. You did this knowing full well how it would end,  and yet you did it.

You felt heartbroken, not for yourself, but Jaehyun.  Why did you do this to him? He deserved better. He changed his mind about marriage for you, and you paid him back like this?

By the time you arrived home, the skies were starting to clear up, meaning that the sun was about to come up soon.

You arrived tired, with your legs aching, mentally exhausted.

You open the door quietly and walk into your room, but you stand in the door frame looking inside.

Your mind was blank, but at the same time, it was full of thoughts.

Without thinking about it, you decide that you have been in LA for enough time. You had to go back to Jaehyun right this moment. If you had stayed in New York with a friend instead of accepting your mom's offer, you wouldn't be in this position.

You pack your bags hurriedly and grab your phone to change the schedule of your flight so you could leave that morning

Sadly, since it was short notice, the earliest flight was at noon that day. You decided to change it anyway; you could wait at the airport for the time to come.

In between shuffling quietly across your room to get your bags done, you finish them. With a shaky breath, you look for a notepad and pen, and when you find it, you write in a rush a note to your mom thanking her for taking care of you in a time where you needed it most and for being so mindful of you. You ended the note saying that you had to leave right that second because you got a job interview that happened that evening, so you had to go early and without saying goodbye.

In reality, you didn't wake her because you felt ashamed. You couldn't face your mom at that moment, especially knowing what she had told you the day before.

You walk outside, and the birds are waking up, the breeze outside is cool but not too cold, and had it not been for the night you had, you would've thought this day was perfect.

You order an uber so it could take you to the airport, and you could feel the judgment coming from the driver of how messy you looked, and not to count the smudged eyeliner you had from all the crying.

You arrive at the airport at 7 AM, and you had no idea what to do with your time but to sit in the airport food court and stare into your phone.  You were watching Netflix on the first movie you came across, but you knew very well that you weren't paying attention to it since you were deep in your thoughts.

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