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You arrived at his house, he parked the car, and he opened the door to his house. You wondered how he could leave the dinner and leave his parents without a car, but when he turned on the lights to the house, you saw his eyes red and puffed up, so you just stayed quiet and sat in the high chairs in the kitchen.

-do you want water?- he asked

-yes please- you reply

he serves one cup of water for you and one for him, and he takes a seat in the chair next to you

he turns to look at you and asks

-how- he says in a whisper

-car accident- you reply

Mingyu closes his eyes, and a tear rolls off his cheek. Your heart ached, and you felt the pain of your dad's death come back.

-I'm sorry I didn't tell you- you tell him and place a hand on his shoulder

he sighs

-I get it- he replies, and you are caught by surprise.

-I lost your trust, and I don't blame you for not telling me. We weren't in contact- he says as tears keep falling

you grab the sleeve from his sweater that you were wearing and dry his tears with it

-no, I did wrong. you had a good relationship with my dad too, and me not telling you when you were so fond of him and ignoring your friendship with him was bad on my part- you say, and you start to tear up

Mingyu looks at you, and you make deep eye contact

-Y/n, don't beat yourself up about it- he says and starts drying your tears too

-I messed up from the moment I cheated on you. I'm sorry- he says

you close your eyes and start crying again. Mingyu pulls you in from a hug, and you can feel his tears too

-fuck y/n, I'm sorry- he says and holds you tight

-I was really dumb. I really love you, and breaking up is the most painful thing I have gone through. I felt as if my heart was ripped out of my chest, and I don't know what to do anymore- he exclaims in between sobbing,

your heart sinks. You had never seen Mingyu this vulnerable

-Hey, it's ok, don't worry. There's nothing we can do about it at this point, so we might as well move on from this- you say and cup your hand on his cheek.

His eyes were red, and you were pretty sure yours were too from the crying you just did

you stare into each other's eyes for a long time. Mingyu looks at your lips and back at your eyes
before you know it. The distance between you is closing

you both pause when your faces are inches away from each other. Your breaths were close to each other.

-Y/n I- he starts saying, but at this moment you craved for him,

you started missing all the touches he gave you, the kisses, the hugs, the intimacy you had. The connection. you missed everything about Mingyu, and those feelings rushed inside you in just a matter of 2 seconds

-oh, shut up - you say; not wanting to waste one more second that isn't kissing him,

you close the distance between you and start kissing him

you close your eyes and let your body do the rest

your mouths kept moving in synchronization with each other. You had spent months apart, but the connection picked up where it left off as if you had spent no time apart, but yet, you were kissing each other and could feel the desperation that filled your kisses. Your bodies missed each other

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