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After arriving home, you notice that neither of your parents is here, which is a huge relief since you didn't feel like seeing anyone at the moment.

You run to your bedroom, and you feel as if someone had ripped your heart out

what did you do wrong? If you hadn't found out, would he have never told you this? Who is "cousin a" ? since the message said "show you my swimsuit," it must have meant this person was at the party. Did you know them? How did this start? 

You had so many questions that you didn't want to know the answer to, and you were devastated.

You heard a knock on the front door of your house, but you didn't bother standing up from your bed. 

You wanted the world to end. No, it did end. Your world shattered. you were thinking of a future together with Mingyu, and all of a sudden, it's gone

your phone rings, and Mingyu's name shows up on the screen, so you just let it ring

-y/n come on, I know you're there, please open the door- you hear Mingyu say as his voice resonates throughout the house 

-y/n!- Mingyu yells in a desperate manner

-please open the door!- he yells

-y/n please...- he says, and you can hear him crying

you just lay in your bed with your eyes closed, listening to Mingyu's words. But they fell on deaf ears. He had broken your trust. 

- I am very sorry y/n please I want to see you- he sobs

is he sorry for cheating on you? or is he sorry you found out? If he felt that guilty, even if he had slept with someone else, he wouldn't have kept this up. He didn't love you, and that's the end of it. 

you receive a phone call, this time from your best friend, and you pick up  

-Hey y/n! have you arrived at the party?- she says

-Alice, now is not a good time- you say

-hey, everything ok?- Alice says

-I just found out Mingyu cheated on me. multiple times-

there is a long pause at the other end of the line, and you only hear her sigh

-This motherfucker... I am so sorry, y/n. I am on my way to your house- she says quickly, and you can hear the background noise of crowds and music fading away

-No Alice, please don't, this is our graduation party, and I don't want you to miss it- You say

-Y/n come on, how am I not going to help my best friend when she really needs me?-

-Alice, I will still have a broken heart tomorrow, the party won't go on forever, I can wait-

-How am I supposed to enjoy a party knowing my best friend needs me?-

-Please, Alice. At least try- you say after a quiet sob

she sighs and sounds defeated. She knows that if it came down to it, you would deny her entry to your house.

-Fine, I'll try...- she says

-but as soon as it's done, I am going to your house, ok?- Alice says

-Deal- you say and chuckle

your best friend was amazing, and you didn't know what you would do without her.

when you hang up, you notice that Mingyu's yelling has stopped, and you feel a bit of pressure go off your shoulders

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