
803 11 2

6 years before -past

You are resting your head on Mingyu's chest and watching TV. Your bare skin touching his.

You felt safe.
Life was perfect.

-Well, honestly, the day we move to New York we'll just be unpacking, so I think the question is what we'll do after getting settled in- you talk to Mingyu while feeling butterflies in your stomach.

You had been dating for 2 years, and yet, those butterflies had never gone away. He still has that effect on you, always has, and always will.

-Well, I'm thinking more of a... you and me... in New York... moved in together just the two of us... I don't know; I feel that we should take that entire first day to celebrate the fact that we're moved in together- Mingyu says

-Well, since we don't know the city that well, I think it would make sense to take tours that day- you say in hopes of having at least some kind of plan before leaving to New York, which happened in 1 month that would go by faster than you think.

-when I said celebrating the entire day, I meant us having sex. the entire day.- He says while making eye contact with you.

-Oh, so you meant that kind of celebration... ok, I got it...- You break the eye contact by shying away your eyes and looking back at the tv screen playing some movie you never paid attention to in the first place.

Mingyu chuckles and pokes at your ribs in a playing manner.

-I mean, can you blame me? Living in a place that we can call our own, with no one to interrupt us or being worried about making sure no one is home... just you and me- Mingyu says, and honestly, you loved the sound of that.

-Well, if you're going to do that, at least make sure to schedule the whole day and night because New York is such a large city it will take the whole day to celebrate- You say, playing along with Mingyu's game

-oh yeah, I bet we do- he says while laughing and leaving kisses all over your body, which made you ticklish and had you moving like a worm

-Mingyu, stop- you say in between laughs, which makes Mingyu go full-on tickle attack on you, and your eyes are tearing up from all the laughing.

You both hear the garage door open, which makes you two stop what you're doing and rush to put your clothes on.

Both of you are running all around Mingyu's room trying to find your clothing, but then you come across a problem.

-oh my god, I can't find my underwear- You say in a panic

-you can't find what?!- Mingyu's eyes dart up in a panic

-My underwear!!! The new one...you know the cute one that I got with the lace- You said while turning everything in his room upside down

-I mean, it was pretty neat seeing them- he says, distracting himself

-Mingyu!!- you say on the verge of having a full-on panic mode

-oh yeah, the underwear- he says and looks under his bed

-I'm never getting a thong again, so much for trying something new, but it's little fabric, so we come into this dilemma- you say, rolling your eyes

You find the thong lying behind the bookshelf, but something else catches your attention.

Fake eyelashes.

One fake eyelash was lying there, clearly used, when you never used eyelashes because you had nice eyelashes on your own.

What did this mean?

-y/n my parents are approaching- he says in a hurry and goes over to help you, you finish changing just in time to when the parents open the front door

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