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The Balancers are an ancient group of steves, that as their name implies, keeps the balance of the realms. They have been around for generations, not quite as long as steves have been around though. There have been three generations of them, although in the beginning they weren't nearly as complex, numerous, or powerful. The first generation of Balancers only had four members, but they were still formidable. But eventually they were taken down by a mysterious force, and the steve realms were mostly left undefended. A few years later, another generation of Balancers were created, and they were even more powerful than the previous generation. This generation stopped many threats to the realms, but one day, it all changed. For reasons we are still not quite sure of, the Balancers changed. They became corrupt, and power hungry. It got to the point where we had no choice to intervene, and we had to destroy our own creations. After that, we decided that we wouldn't make another generation. After all, the whole point of them was to take care of Steve's problems while us Creators couldn't, not cause more chaos. But one day, something unexpected happened. A Balancer had been created, and none of us had done it. We didn't know how or who had done it. We had removed most knowledge of The Balancers. Upon further investigation, we realized it was one of our students, our best student in fact. We were scared that he would end up like the last generation, but we decided to see what would happen. So we let him go on his way, and we watched from the shadows for a long time. Along the way, he made more Balancers, and grew in strength immensely. Eventually we had to get involved again, although it wasn't to stop them, but in fact to help. This generation of Balancer's story is long and dangerous, and it will change the fate of the steves, and all the other races, forever.

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