Part 19: Equality and The Hero

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It had been two days since we had beaten Second. We hadn't seen him, and apparently no one else had either. As long as he wasn't causing problems, I was fine with taking a break from dealing with him. I had just finished extending the temple, although this time it hadn't gotten taller. I had made a vertical tunnel under the temple that stopped three blocks above the bedrock. I had plans to create a large room down there, a place where we could keep even more machines. But that wasn't all I had done. I hade made another floor directly below the one where the current machines were located. This floor was mostly for research purposes. We had large, wooded benches, which were already covered with all kinds of tool and weapon parts, potion ingredients, and pieces of paper with all kinds of notes. Nether had been the one to work down here the most. He had a knack for science. The walls were lined with book cases and shelving. The cases were filled with all kinds of books from all sorts of realms. There wasn't any from my old world sadly, although I assumed some had to be out there. Those steves with mixed in colors were here, which meant that some of them must have left in the period of time Sabre and Galaxy Steve had been gone. The shelves were full of all kinds of things, from flower pots to wither skulls. A stair case in the far right corner lead back up to the floor above. I went over to the book case dedicated to a place that was referred to us "Rainbow Quest". 'I wonder who names these realms?' I thought to my self. 

'Probably whoever created them.' Unknown Alex responded. That would make sense. I reach up and put a book about "The Darkness" on the middle shelf. I turned and walked towards the stairs to go check on the others. No one was on the floor above, so I continued up to the main floor of the temple. There I found Nether, Ender, Debalance, and Goldie sitting around a round table I had built. They seemed to be discussing something while they ate. I decided to not interrupt and and went up to the floor above yet again. Unbalance, Rebalance, and Creativity seemed to be practicing hand to hand combat. And Unbalance was defiantly doing the best. I didn't want to interrupt them either, so I walked around the other side wand went to the window that had a clear view of the area in front of the temple. I stared out across the several plots that were located in front of my own plot. The one directly in front of us was a forest with a small stream flowing through it. And in the center of the plot was what seemed to be a rainbow shrine, with multiple paths leading up to it. I had seen several Rainbow Steves in my time being here. But I didn't feel connected to any of them. They weren't the Rainbow Steve from my world. He had died before our world had been reset. I was snapped out of my thinking as I saw someone land heavily on the ground in front of the temple. I didn't even look to see who it was. I turned around and launched diagonally over the railing. I swerved as I went through the air, turning towards the entrance. I landed in the archway in the front of the temple. I could hear the footsteps from the others as they approached me from behind, but my focus was on the person in front of me. They were standing about 10 blocks away from the bottom of the stairs. From what I could tell, it was a steve. I'd never seen any other steve who looked like him. He was half white, and half black. The colors were divided by a straight line going down the middle of his body. His right eye was a bright white, and his left eye was a pitch black. On his chest was something I had seen in books while training with my bosses. A yin yang symbol. Other then that, he really didn't have any other details. 

"Who are you, and what do you want." I asked. I took a few steps down the stairs, allowing the others behind me to see the steve in question. The strange steve looked at me, and then at the others. 

"Are you all the Balancers?" he asked, ignoring my question. I glanced behind me to the others. They all looked ready to defend themselves. 'Good.' I thought.

"Not those two." I answered, pointing to Creativity Steve and Goldie. "But the rest of us are." He stared at us for a moment. Suddenly his right hand began to glow a bright white, yet not pure white, more of a light gray, and his left arm began to let out a dark gray mist. Everyone behind me let their powers go to their hands as well, but I held off. I didn't want to fight unless we had to. We already had Origin Steve and Second Balance out there, we didn't need any more enemies right now. "What do you want with us." I said, adding a hint of sternness to my voice.

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