Part 20: The Dark Lord

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I was standing at the plot at which we had appeared at first when we came to Creative. With me was Unbalance, Equality, Debalance, Rebalance, Ender Balance, Nether Balance, Goldie, and Empty Steve who had returned earlier that day. We stood in a group, with me at the front. There were other steves there as well. There were a bunch of the base colored steves of course. There were a couple of the steves who had other colors mixed in. There were a few steves that I recognized, but I figured that they were from other realms. The people from my world were gone. And then there were steves that I didn't recognize. A Blue Steve that had all kinds of shades on him. A steve that seemed that seemed to resemble a Blaze. And a few more that I couldn't name. We were all here to discuss one thing. The being that had killed Creativity Steve.

"Everyone listen up!" Hollered a Red Steve who was standing in the open, the rest of us forming a wide circle around him. Everyone quieted down and looked to him. "I think most of us know why we're all here, but just incase, let me explain! There is a being going around, and he's causing a lot of problems for a lot of people! Now, is there anyone here that has had a recent encounter with him that can give a description of what he looks like so we can all get on the same page?" As soon as he asked the question, I stepped forward. Now, all eyes were on me. 

"He has dark blue pants, a light blue T-shirt, and dark gray shoes." I started. "His skin is a tan color, his hair is a dark brown, and he has glowing white eyes." 

"Thank you for the description." The Red Steve replied. "Now, is there any questions for... this steve here? If so, just step forward and ask." The first steve to do so was normal a Green Steve.

"What's a T-shirt?" He asked. 'Oh right, a lot of people don't know player terms.' I thought. I had learned a lot from my time with Sabre. My bosses also knew a whole lot about players, but I never got the chance to ask them how they knew. Speaking of my bosses, the others wanted to know about them now, after hearing that being mention them. I told them I'd tell them soon, I just needed to figure out a way to tell them.

"A T-shirt is a shirt that doesn't cover all of your arms." I answered. The Green Steve nodded his head thoughtfully and stepped back into the crowd. As he did, a Blue Steve stepped out of the crowd. 

"What did he do when you encountered him?" He asked. I had kind of been hoping no one would ask that question, but I guess it made sense. They wanted to know what we were up against.

"He came after me and my friends." I said, pointing to them behind me. "Before he left, he shot a long, spike looking thing out of the ground." I paused for a moment, just readying my self to say it. "He killed Creativity Steve. Like it was nothing." I heard murmurs going through the crowd, must of which sounded fearful. Goldie wrapped her arms around herself. Her and Creativity had been good friends. I knew this was hard for her. It was for me too, but I was used to losing people by now. I had just hoped it wouldn't have happened again. The Red Steve put his hands up to calm everyone down. He started talking to the people, still trying to calm them. But I was focused on something else now. On top of a near by tree, there was a steve. He was sitting with his legs dangling off the leaf block he was on. He was dark gray, with black marks spread out across him, all of which met at his chest. His right eye was pure black, while the other was a bright red. Even from this far away, I could sense darkness radiating from the steve. It seemed that some of the people who were unknowingly standing near him were uneasy. I thought for a moment, and an idea popped into my head. If we had any chance at beating that being, we were going to need more help. A lot more help. I turned my head to Unbalance. "Hey, think you can get his attention?" I asked him, pointing at the dark colored steve. He nodded, and then pointed to him as well. As I watched the steve, he suddenly looked over at us.

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