Part 5: Balance VS Empty Steve

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I flew out of the tundra and towards the spruce forest that I knew was far in the distance. My mind was racing. I know this power is so I can take down Empty, but still, it felt great! I wasn't getting tired at all! It felt like I could keep flying for days! But I knew I couldn't let my guard down. Empty probably had the whole facility on lock down. Getting in wasn't gonna be easy. It didn't help that I wasn't gonna kill anyone. I knew it wasn't the Unknowns and Blanks faults, they were being used. But that meant that they could get back up and come after me later.

"I wonder if any of them would try to help us?"  Unknown Alex chimed in. I forgot that she could hear everything I thought. I'm fairly certain I was the only one who could hear her, but I guess I'd find out soon. But she had made a good point. I hadn't even thought about the fact that some of the Unknown and Blank Steves and Alexs would try to help us, or at least let us do this. I had managed to convince two Unknowns that what they were doing was wrong, maybe I could convince others that as well.

"I hope so." I replied. "If not, we may end up having to take on a few hundred people on our own, which isn't ideal." I started thinking about how I could try to get into the facility. I figured walking in through the front door wasn't an option. I remembered seeing a window in the lab, but I didn't know where the lab was when looking from the outside. There might be more windows in the facility, but I also had a feeling with our recent escape, all weak points would be currently being guarded, or even blocked off. "How did you bring me inside after you and the others captured me?" I asked Alex.

"Well, there's a secret entrance on the South side of the facility, but as you've been thinking, all entrances are probably being guarded." So we couldn't just walk in,  that was clear. An idea was beginning to form in my head when The Unknown Facility appeared in the distance. I slowed down until I was floating in place in the air. I hadn't even realized that I was over the spruce forest yet. The sun was coming up, and soon it would be even brighter outside. If I was going to get in, it had to be now. The sun was coming up on the other side of the facility, casting a huge shadow over the plains biome it was located in. 

"Alex, I think I have an idea." I said. "It may sound stupid, but I think it would work." A moment of silence in my head. Alex was probably thinking over the plan I had come up with in my mind.

"I can't think of any other way in." She finally said. "Your right about not being able to teleport in. You may end up in a block. Or worse, in someone else." Neither of those were anything I wanted to experience, ever. "The wall in front of us should be fine."

"Well I should probably do this before it gets any lighter outside." I leaned forwards, and focused on going as fast as I could. I launched towards the facility, and braced myself. It only took about eight seconds to reach it. It felt like everything went in slow motion. I saw a few dozen Unknowns and Blanks turn to look at me, with expressions of shock on their faces. There was nothing they could do to stop me now. I swung my body so my feet were now in front of me. My feet came into contact with the dark brick walls, but it didn't stop me. I smashed through the wall, stone brick blocks flying all across the room. I landed on the smooth stone floors and slid to a halt. There were a lot of very surprised Unknown and Blank Steves in the room, and a couple of Unknown Alexs. I looked around at the people surrounding me. I also noted the emergency lever on one of the walls. Some of the steves from the outside were jumping through the hole I had just made. I had deescalate this. "Might be hard, as you just  smashed in through a wall." Alex pointed out. No one around me reacted, which means I was the only one who could hear her. That could be useful.

"I'm not here to hurt any of you." I said calmly. "I just want to talk." Most of the people in the room were in a fighting stance, and a few had out a sword or spear.

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