Part 7: Outer and Inner Demons

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It's been two weeks sense I showed up on Rainbow Realm. Shortly after me, Ruby Steve, Orange King, and Elder Light had established our group, they had shown me to the "island portal". Apparently when you jumped into it, it teleported you to a private island. I had jumped in, and then brought the other three. We had very limited resources, but we managed to build a base of operations. We had a small temple constructed of stone bricks, with wooden floors and stained glass windows. We also quickly assembled a basic machine incase any of us were hurt. On the second story we had our meeting room. We spent many hours talking about new steves that have shown up, and if any of them seemed like a problem. I also learned a lot about them. Ruby Steve was one of the last Ruby Steves left. Orange King had his rainbow patches because he had been friends with a Rainbow Steve from another realm, and he had lent him some of his power. And Elder Light was one of the oldest Light Steves. I knew I was older then him. In fact I was the first Light Steve. I still remember waking up and seeing Sabre standing in front of a large machine, holding a lot of the colored steves. I kind of felt bad about just how much I hadn't told them. They didn't know why I was brighter. They didn't know anything about my Creator Energy. And they knew nothing about the fact that I was a Balancer. The only Balancer in fact. I doubted they even knew what a Balancer was. I was thinking about telling them as we walked around the main islands. But that's when everything changed.

"So what are we going to do today?" Rainbow asked. It was strange to have a Rainbow Steve in the group. I knew they weren't the one I knew, but it was still weird. They had joined us just a few days ago. They were a good builder, and seemed to know a lot about all the colored steves. But they weren't the best fighter.

"I say we go to people's islands again!" Ruby chimed. "It's always fun to see other peoples builds!" 

"Maybe after we build the vault." Orange King replayed. "We have 13 Relics and 4 Crystals. We have to make sure we keep them safe." That was another strange thing about so many steves being drawn from so many realms. There were multiple sets up Relics and Crystals now. I knew that at least 3 people had the Red Crystal. I currently had a Blue Relic on me. I could feel it in my... well in simple terms, my "inventory" as players called it. I also had my crystal. Yet another thing no-one knew about me. I had had it sense before I went to the Unknown Facility almost three weeks ago. I was about to start talking when I heard screaming.

"What was that!" Rainbow yelled. I turned and ran to where I had heard the scream. I sprinted over one of the wooden bridges and then through one of the streets lined with houses. I stopped at the edge of a small clearing. In the middle of it was a Demon Steve. He was holding a Green Steve held in the air by his throat. The others skidded to halt around me.

"Let him go weakling!" Elder Light yelled. That was the one problem I had with Elder Light. He was over confident, believing that he was much stronger then he actually was. I was going to work with him on that after we dealt with this. The Demon Steve turned to look at us and made one of their strange, garbled groans. The Green Steve was gasping for air now. I turned and looked at Ruby. 

"Run at him from the left. I'll get the Green Steve away." I told him. Ruby nodded and sprinted in a curve towards the Demon Steve. It's gaze shifted to follow him, which was when I bolted forwards. Right before I got to them, I leaned back and slid past his right leg, and as I did I grabbed his leg and pulled him down. The Demon fell down and dropped the Green Steve, who immediately starting running back towards the fountain island. As the Demon Steve began to get back up, Elder Light, Orange King, and Rainbow charged. The Demon stood up fully and kicked me in the gut, causing me to lose my grip and let go. He turned and grabbed Ruby Steve and flung him into Rainbow. Elder Light reach him first. He punched the demon in the chest, but it barely seemed to affect him. It grabbed Elder's arm and tossed him aside, then grabbed Orange King as he approached. He lifted him off the ground, and then smashed him into the ground, creating a indent in the blocks. I had gotten back up by now. I lunged forwards and tackled the Demon Steve from behind, pinning him to the ground. The demon struggled, but I held on tight.

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