Part 18: The Balancers V.S. Second Balance

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Almost a week had past. I was sitting with my legs dangling off the edge of the temple, which I had expanded the day before. It now stood nearly a hundred blocks in the air. From where I was sitting, I could see nearly fifteen blocks in every direction. Ender Balance had woken up two days after we had made Nether Balance. He had been fine for the most part, just still a little drained. After our battle with Second Balance, I realized I needed to train Ender and Nether, as well as more training for Debalance and Rebalance. So for the past four days, that's what I've been doing. So far, I had taught Ender and Nether to launch into the air, and taught all four of them to better connect to their respective energies. They couldn't control it as well as I could, but they weren't to bad at it. I stared out into the crystal clear sky. Just like on the sky islands, there was no night time, and the sun never moved from it's spot. None of us really knew why. All I knew is that this realm was different from any of the ones I had been in before. We had only seen Second Balance once in the past six days. It was from a distance, and it looked like he was just walking around between the plots, as if he was looking for something, or someone. I took in a deep breath, and let it out. I looked down to the ground below where the other five Balancers, along with Creativity and Goldie, were sparing. I had also done a bit of training with Creativity and Goldie, helping them become better at fighting. I wasn't going to bring them though. They would stay here, incase anyone else came to the temple. I wasn't sure if the others were ready, but we didn't have time to waste. 'Lets do this.' I thought, then slid off the edge of the temple and hovered to the ground. Unbalance was the first to notice me. He stopped mid swing, his fist freezing an inch away from Rebalance's face. The other six then saw me, and they all turned and stared at me, knowing what was coming. 

"Is it time?" Debalance asked. I nodded my head. I had been going over the plan for the past three days, so that when the time came, we didn't have to waste any time. Creativity and Goldie nodded to us, and they ran into the temple. I turned back to the other five. They all had looks of determination on their faces. 

"Let's go take down Second Balance." I said. We all launched into the air, and began to soar towards the area we had hear that Second may be. We had stopped by the main hub of the "Creative Server". That's what I had heard a player call this place. It didn't tell me much about what this realm was as a whole, but I had heard of a server before. Sometimes, back when I was in the Rainbow Town, Sabre would sometimes use a machine on Rainbow Steve so that they could go to a place they referred to as a server. I never payed much attention to it back then. I wish I had now. Now, The Rainbow Town, and all of my old realm was gone. My bosses had told me Rainbow Steve had died before that had happened, and they had no idea what had happened to Sabre. 'That doesn't matter now.' I told myself, and kept on flying. Anyways, a Violet Steve with a deep purple cloak had told us that he had seen Second at a plot the day before. He had said it had one large building in the center, constructed of only obsidian, with no windows, and with only one visible entrance. So that's what I was keeping an eye out for. 

"Not that I care, because I don't," Unbalance suddenly started. "But where did Empty Steve go?" I wasn't sure if I should tell him. I had suggested that Empty should go back to the facility to see if he could calm things down. He hadn't come back yet, but I was sure he was fine. After all, he made everyone within the Unknown Facility. Plus, he has proven o be able to take care of him self, for the most part. 

"He went to go check up something." I finally responded. Unbalance grunted, but didn't ask any more questions. I knew that Unbalance really didn't like Empty Steve. In fact he seemed to hate him. I couldn't blame him though. For a long time, Empty had treated the Unknowns, Blanks, and, I assume, The Fusion Steves as tools. But, I had a feeling Empty was trying to change for the better, so I trusted him. 

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