A Good Man

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It was a wonderful day in the woods. Izuku would gladly have spent an eternity here just listening to the birds chirping. Of course he was heading somewhere, something his son reminded him of.

"Are we almost there dad?" Koshiro said. He was sagging behind Izuku.

"We're almost there" Izuku said and lifted Koshiro up on his shoulders, much to the joy of the boy. "Trust me, it'll be worth it."

The father and son duo continued through the forest. Koshiro smiling as Izuku told him stories to pass the time. Before the they knew it they had reached their destination as Koshiro made a small gasp.

Izuku put down Koshiro and sat down in the large clearing. Koshiro stood with wide eyes as he took in the surroundings. From the inland lake in front of him and to the snow-covered mountains surrounding the nearby forest. "Wait, mom has taken me here before. But we were up there" Koshiro said and pointed up to a nearby ridge

"She did?"

"Yeah. She showed it to me one day after I asked her about you. She said she spread your ashes there" Koshiro said.

"And here I thought I was showing you something new" Izuku said, feigning annoyance. He then noticed the troubled look on Koshiro. "Are you alright?" Receiving no answers Izuku decided to push further. "Are you treated well in school?"

Koshiro looked away and pulled his knees to his chest. "Maybe? There's no one bothering me."

"They don't want to play with you because you're quirkless" Izuku said bluntly.

"Yeah. And those who want to talk to me only do it because they know who my mom is" Koshiro said, holding back his tears.

Izuku pulled his son close, ruffling the boy's curly hair. "I might not have had that last problem, but I remember how being bullied felt like. All because of something that is outside of our control. Unfortunately society doesn't care about people like us. Most of them see us as useless and worthless. They might not admit it, but that's the harsh truth. All men are not created equal."

"So you can't help me?"

"I didn't say that" A smirk grew on Izuku's face. "I have some influence after all."

"You aren't going to kill them are you?" Koshiro said, suddenly very worried.

"Don't worry, there's no need to go so far" Izuku said, calming down his son. "You just need some slight emotional manipulation."

"That sounds worse!" Koshiro said, only making Izuku chuckle.

The duo then heard a distant thunder and could see dark clouds approaching. "I think we should head back home before we get wet" Izuku said and opened a portal.

Ochako got inside the hospital just before it began pouring outside. She found out which room she needed to get to and entered, bringing back memories of the raid against Overhaul in the process. "I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner." She said.

Bakugo looked up at her briefly before looking back at the bandaged and unconscious Kirishima lying in bed. "It's alright. A lot happened yesterday" Bakugo said, unusually quiet.

Ochako sat down next to Bakugo. "Is Fumiko alright?"

"My old hag is taking care of her."

"And how's Kirishima doing? I hope he'll be alright" Ochako said.

"Do I look like someone who would live with a weakling?" Bakugo said with a scoff. "He might have been in the middle of one of those explosions, but he'll pull through. They don't know when he'll wake up, but it'll be soon. Then he'll just need some time to recover."

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