Shadows Revealed

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Tsukauchi was sitting in his office, looking over any files that could give him a lead. He had lost track of time, too absorbed in his work to notice how dark it had gotten outside. That was until someone disturbed his work with a knock on the door.

"Come in" Tsukauchi said and put down the file he was looking over.

"It's just me" Toshinori greeted as he entered the somewhat cramped office. "You didn't show up at the café" He added.

"Did I?" Tsukauchi asked, more to himself. "It's only..." He said and looked at his clock, then outside. "Oh, I guess I lost track of time. Again" Tsukauchi.

"Perhaps you should set an alarm next time" Toshinori suggested and sat down in a vacant seat. "I brought some coffee by the way" He said and handed Tsukauchi a cup of coffee.

"Thanks" Tsukauchi replied and took a sip from the hot beverage. "This investigation has been giving me a lot of stress as of late" He said.

Toshinori looked at his old friend with a concerned look at hearing those comments. "Do you want to shed some light on what has been causing all this stress?" He asked.

"Where do I begin?" Tsukauchi replied with a heavy sigh. "First my superiors won't give the investigation more funds before they've assessed the situation more. Something that usually means a few months without any reply" Tsukauchi explained. "Bureaucrats can be really annoying at times" He added with a small frown.

"I know that feeling" Toshinori muttered.

"Anyway, as if that wasn't enough, the revolution made a move some days ago" Tsukauchi said. "Spinner lead a small team and freed the prisoner Danjuro Tobita from prison. They escaped without us being able to trace them of course. They came in through a tunnel and closed it behind as they left" He explained. "What is bugging me is that I have no idea why they would do something like this!" Tsukauchi exclaimed. "The guy was imprisoned over a decade ago following several small crimes and assaulting heroes on multiple occasions under the alias, Gentle Criminal. There's barely any overlap of when him and the revolution was active and there isn't any signs of them interacting before now" Tsukauchi rambled with clear frustration. "Why go so far as to free him now?" He wondered.

"Gentle?" Toshinori mumbled. "I feel like I've heard that name before" He muttered.

"You have. He was apprehended by Uraraka when he tried to enter UA during the culture festival after all. It's actually her first official apprehension" Tsukauchi responded.

"That's right" Toshinori said with a small nostalgic smile. "You don't think that's why the revolution freed this guy?" He then asked as his smile dropped.

"I doubt it. But this could be a part of Deku's plan for all we know" Tsukauchi replied. "Which reminds me. There have actually been some good news" He said. He then turned around pulled out a thick folder from a pile on his desk and held it up with a satisfied smile.

"I presume that the contents of that folder is the good news and not the folder itself" Toshinori said, earning a small chuckle from Tsukauchi.

"You would be right" Tsukauchi replied and put the folder down on the desk. "An undercover agent managed to get a hold of it a two days ago. And it truly is something" He explained and opened up the folder, revealing it's contents. And on the first page in bold letters stood a simple title. The Kita offensive.

"The northern offensive?" Toshinori wondered. "Is it one of their plans?" He asked.

"Not only a plan, this might be their main plan" Tsukauchi replied. "Details for a full offensive in the north with the goal of conquering Hokkaido and other northern prefectures in the Tohoku region. Diversion attacks, leaking of fake plans, attacking force, timelines, supply lines and contingencies. This has all the information we need to stop the attack if they go through with it" Tsukauchi replied.

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