A Gentle Rescue

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The large metal door to the Phoenix Revolution's base slowly opened in front Todoroki an Mushou. Behind them stood the last nomu at their disposal. Attached to the nomu's back was the payload they've gone to such great effort to transport from I-island. One large glass tube, big enough to hold a person, and filled with a white translucent liquid.

The large metal door finished its' opening sequence and locked into place with a heavy thud. On the other side stood someone familiar ready to welcome them. "I heard there were some issues getting transporting the cloning tube here" Dabi said with a grin.

"Just an unplanned run in with some American hero. It forced us to go for transport-plan Ulmo, but it worked out" Todoroki responded. He and Mushou then began entering the base with the nomu following behind.

"Did you manage to take down any heroes with the ship?" Dabi asked as the door began closing. The group then began walking through the base.

"We could have" Mushou replied. "But there were American heroes there as well. Killing them would only give us more enemies. Not to mention that Uravity was there as well" She explained.

"That is unfortunate. Would have been nice to get some of heroes out of the way before we initiate the Minami offensive" Dabi commented.

"It's just a few heroes, most of them operate in the Kanto region. If everything goes according to plan, then they won't make difference" Todoroki said. "Where is spinner by the way?" He asked and looked around. "I assumed he would like to be here for this"

"Oh spinner, he's on a mission" Dabi replied.

"What mission?" Mushou asked.

"You remember that short lady that came to us last year? The one with ponytails?" Dabi asked.

"Yeah, I remember her. La Brava I think" Mushou replied.

"That's the one. And Spinner is out trying to free her lover" Dabi said. "A villain that was arrested several years ago. He was known for committing mostly small crimes until he got arrested while trying to enter UA" He explained.

"And why are we wasting time getting some small-time villain out of prison?" Todoroki asked.

"Because this villain was also known for always getting away with his crimes. Even if he publicly announced his crimes before committing them. Of course, he was caught at UA, but that is to be expected" Dabi answered

The group then arrived at a room hidden well within the base. On the floor there were cables and pipes ready to be connected to something.

"Now then. Let's get this thing hooked up" Dabi said and looked at towards the glass tube on the nomu's back.

While Todoroki and Mushou returned to the revolution's base. Spinner was walking through a narrow tunnel going under a prison. In front of him was the one who was digging the tunnel using his quirk, mole, a short man covered in dirt. Behind Spinner followed a short lady with two large ponytails.

"We're getting close" The man in front said.

"Alright. Once we're in stay hidden while me and La Brave rescue Gentle. We'll need you to close this tunnel behind us when we escape" Spinner said. He then turned around and face La Brava. "And you follow me closely and do as I say" He stated, receiving a small nod in response.

The sound of earth moving out of the way then suddenly stopped as the group exited the tunnel and into a generator room. The one with the tunnelling quirk hid behind the generators while Spinner and La Brava began making their way through the facility.

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