Growing Concerns

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Ochako woke up with a jolt from her visions. She scanned the room she was in and quickly noticed Kirishima rushing over to the bed she was lying in.

"Easy now" Kirishima said calmly and rested a hand on Ochako's shoulder. "You've been out for a while"

"What happened?" Ochako asked.

"You were found on the bridge of that ship, knocked out cold by some really strong drugs" Kirishima replied. "You've been asleep for two days" He added.

"Mushou" Ochako mumbled. "Caught me by surprise and injected me with something" she said and touched the spot where the syringe had been injected.

"I guess it makes sense that someone from the revolution was there. Seems like the crew was in on it as well since they just disappeared" Kirishima with a slightly dull look.

"How are the others? I remember hearing an explosion" Ochako asked.

Kirishima bit his lip before answering. "From what I've heard a nomu jumped out from one of the containers and exploded. It didn't kill anyone, but a few were seriously injured. Some may even have to retire" Kirishima answered. "The explosion also ripped a hole in the hull of the ship. Luckily, everyone was evacuated before the ship sank. But no trace of the crew nor the revolution was found" He explained.

"I see" Ochako said with a small nod. "Wait, if you're here then where is Bakugo?" She asked.

"He's alright" Kirishima replied with a small smile. "He's no stranger to explosions. He'll need to recover, but he'll be back to work in a week or two" He explained. "I'm more worried about what he'll do when he's home that much. We both know what he becomes like if he doesn't have anything to do" Kirishima stated. "Last time he got sick he was only away for a few days, but he still managed to clean the apartment 4 times and cook every meal" He said with a fond smile.

"Yeah. He's a bit of a workaholic" Ochako admitted. "Anyways, I won't keep you here for long. I'm sure Bakugo and your daughter needs you as well" She said. "And I also need to talk with someone privately" She added before Kirishima had time to protest.

"I guess you're right" Kirishima said and headed towards the door. "Remember that both me and Bakugo can help you if there is anything" He added. "You're a good friend"

"I know that. And I won't hesitate if I do need help" Ochako replied. "But now I really need to call someone" She added

"Understood. Have a nice day" Kirishima said before leaving the room.

Once Kirishima was gone Ochako pulled out her phone and dialled up one of her contacts. "Hi Toshinori" She said once the call connected "No, I'm alright" Ochako said, calming down the worried voice on the other side. "But could you come here?" She asked. "And bring Tsukauchi and Aizawa if you're able to. Something happened with one for all" She added.

It took a while for Toshinori to arrive, but he eventually arrived with both Aizawa and Tsukauchi.

"It's good to see that you're awake Uraraka. It's been a couple stressful days" Toshinori said as he entered the room.

"I can imagine that" Ochako replied. "Has any clues been found about the revolution?" She asked.

"I am afraid not" Tsukauchi replied. "All traces of the revolution and the container, as well as the crew on the ship you searched has disappeared without a trace. The wreckage only showed that the ship was heavily modified, but not to what purpose. And nothing of interest was found on the other suspected ship" He explained.

"I see. So they have disappeared again" Ochako sighed and looked outside through the window.

"You said that something happened with one for all" Toshinori said.

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