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Toshinori looked across the table at his successor. She was looking down into her half-empty mug. "Are you alright?" He said, only receiving a sigh. "Is it about Kagoshima. You know you can't blame yourself when they only brought in American heroes."

"No, it's not that. I'm just so unsure about myself" Ochako said, her eyes briefly glancing up. "You chose me as your successor, and I feel like I keep letting you down."

"You're not letting me down Uraraka. I know you do your very best every time. It's just unfortunate that Deku does the same" Toshinori said.

"But I don't think I'm doing my best, not anymore" Ochako said and looked up from the table. "I'm supposed to be a new symbol of peace right? The shining beacon of safety and justice for everyone to look up to. But ever since Izuku came back I've felt more and more uncertain. I don't even know if I'm fighting for the right side anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Just look at this" Ochako said and handed over her phone to Toshinori. "This message was given to every hero a few hours after the Kagoshima disaster."

"They're integrating the Public Hero Safety Commission into the army?" Toshinori said as he read through the notice.

"Yeah, they're essentially turning heroes into another military branch." Ochako took back her phone. "I'm afraid of where this will take us. If they continue then Izuku will really become a liberator."

"Dictators always rise out of turmoil" Toshinori said with a solemn look. There was a pause in the conversation. "Have you talked with Midoriya recently?" Toshinori said.

"It's complicated. At first I was just glad to see him after so long, I never stopped missing him after all. But things has become difficult as he wins more and more" Ochako said. She leaned forwards. "I think we both know a clash will come. One that only one of us can win. It has made our meetings, both in dreams and the real world, difficult. Neither one of us are willing to bring that inevitability up."

"Do you still love him?" Toshinori said.

"I do" Ochako said without hesitation. "And because of that I can't defeat him. If I do I'll lose him forever. And I can't lose because then he'll kill you, Bakugo and many others."

Toshinori let out a long sigh, scratching his chin. "I've never been one to understand romance, but I can see the predicament." He leaned forwards with a gentle smile. "But I'm also sure that when the time comes you will make the right choice."

"Thank you Toshinori" Ochako said and stood up. "Anyways, I should get going. Bakugo doesn't mind taking care of Koshiro, but I'm sure he would like to get back to Kirishima."

"You're probably right. Have a nice day Ochako" Toshinori said.

"You too Toshinori" Ochako said and left.

As Ochako entered her house she was greeted by Bakugo sitting on the couch. "Sorry I was gone for so long, me and Toshinori lost track of time" She said.

"Don't worry about it" Bakugo said. His tone was still strangely calm. "Koshiro is in his room playing with Fumiko."

"That sounds good, he's been missing her lately. It's good they can visit each other again" Ochako said and sat down next to Bakugo. "Is Kirishima doing alright?"

"Oh yeah, he's up and going. He'll be back in the field in just a few days" Bakugo said, some his fervour returning to his voice.

"Then what's bothering you? Usually you would be with Koshiro and Fumiko as they play" Ochako said.

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