The Setting Sun

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There was a strange feeling hanging in the air of Tsukauchi's office. Toshinori looked around the once familiar room that now felt so foreign. He slumped down into the chair and sighed, his eyes looking on the framed photograph on Tsukauchi's desk. "What happened to you?" Toshinori refused to believe the official story. He knew Tsukauchi. He knew that the detective had from time to time worked with people outside the law, but he would never try to lead a coup.

Toshinori ripped his gaze away from the photograph and opened the laptop that still remained. To his surprise there was already a text file opened up labelled 'answers'. Curiosity gripped Toshinori and he began reading the short text.


I hope the right person is reading this. Firstly I've already taken all the data present on this laptop. The only reason I'm leaving this behind for you is because of the respect I had for Tsukauchi.

You're probably wondering what happened to your friend. Don't believe Zankoku. Tsukauchi and I only ever worked on two things together. The first one you should know, All for one. The other and more relevant one was in connection to the bombing of Yokosuka. I never played any part in that attack. We cooperated to find out who was behind it. Long story short Tsukauchi found the final piece of evidence showing that it was a false flag attack orchestrated by Zankoku. My best guess of what happened afterwards is that Tsukauchi went to inform minister Yowai, which made Zankoku execute his coup.

That's the story. Now I would recommend resting, because your time will soon come All Might.

-The kid who's dreams you crushed

Toshinori contemplated as he read through the text several times. He could feel tears building up. "I guess you chased the truth to the end my friend." He wiped his eyes and closed the laptop. "I'll wait for us to meet again."

"How certain are you we can trust these two?" Deku said, his back leaning against the alleyway wall. "Because if I remember correctly you didn't spend much of your time at UA socializing. And one of them took your spot after you left."

"I can't speak much for Discord, but he did mention something about those blessed by heroic quirks during the sports festival. So he might have been discriminated based on his quirk" Todoroki said. "As for Tsukuyomi I don't know much. I think he interned under Hawks. So we should be careful to not repeat that failure."

"Hawks' intern you say?" Deku rubbed his chin. "Hawks mentioned him once while I was in Tartarus. Said he shared a lot of our ideals back then. Hopefully that hasn't changed."

The sound of footsteps interrupted Deku's thinking. He quickly recognised the two figures. One cloaked with a bird shaped head, and another with messy purple hair and a familiar grey cloth on his shoulders. Deku straightened up and walked over to the duo, Todoroki following close behind. "Discord, Tsukuyomi, it's good to see some heroes have a sense of morality." Deku stopped and looked straight at Tsukuyomi. "But forgive for being cautious given my former trust in the one you interned under. He claimed that you shared my ideals many years ago, but didn't think much of my methods."

"Hawks only ever did what he thought was right at the time, same for me. Now with the choice between two quirkless dictators I'd rather pick the more consistent one. No matter how dark the path is," Tsukuyomi said.

"Choosing the lesser of two evils. A logical decision, though morally ambiguous. You're quite a high-ranking hero, why not convince your colleagues and form a new path? I doubt Zankoku could survive losing the support of heroes."

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