Disturbing the Giant

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Deku smirked as he walked up on a large podium and looked over the waiting crowd. "I don't know about you, but I've waited a long time for this" Deku said. The crowd cheered. "For as long as this revolution has existed there has been one goal of incredible importance. And it is about time that it is realized. Because for as long as heroes have existed they have enjoyed one major privilege. They get to be above the law. They neglect their duty, a new toy is sold. They harm someone while fighting a villain, the story is covered up. They end up killing an innocent civilian, don't worry, there is a new name and house ready for them."

Deku gave a dark look to the crowd. "Our enemies will deny this. They will tell us to mind our own business and move along. After all, it has worked so far. I say no more, because it is about time heroes too faced justice the same way everyone else does" Deku said as a pole began rising up from the podium. "And we'll start here!" Deku pointed towards the pole, now fully raised. A woman was tied to the pole, her face covered by her hair.

The woman looked up with a glare as Deku approached her. "This is Tao Yumeji also known as the hero Persephone. Yesterday she was convicted in our hero trials on several charges. The most severe of them being conspiring with corporation to commit insurance fraud. On four occasions she has deliberately fought in staged villain fights with the goal of destroying insured buildings so that the owners would get their money. One of these fights led to the death of two civilians. The only consequences she faced then was a slap on the wrist and a change of locations. But now it's time for true justice to be served" Deku said and leaned in close to the hero. "Any last words?"

"Go to hell" The hero said.

"Don't worry about that. I'm already going there" Deku said quietly before facing the crowd again. "Let justice be served." A pillar of fire rose from under the hero and engulfed her and the crowd roared. A short-lived scream came from the fire before it dissipated, leaving behind a pile of ash.

After a few more words Deku finished his speech. He stepped down from the podium and was joined by Mushou. "That speech was great" Mushou said with a smile. "And, not to be the bringer of bad news, but I just received some news from our base. Someone has detonated a bunch of explosives at Yokosuka naval base. Apparently they ended up sinking an US aircraft carrier."

"Was it one of ours?" Deku said, stopping dead in his tracks.

"Not that I'm aware of" Mushou said.

"Well, whoever did it will be in a world of trouble"

"Where were you when the explosions happened?" Tsukauchi said, using the best English he could. The soldier in front of him scratched his head.

"Well it was a regular day. I was just doing some maintenance work on the USS Theodore Roosevelt. I was servicing some of the planes when the first explosion went off at the base. Then they started going off on the ship as well and...I guess one of them blew me into the water. I don't remember much more after that" The bandaged soldier said.

"Do you see any way this could have happened or who might have done so? Someone suspicious?" Tsukauchi said

"Nothing unusual. More Japanese soldiers recently because of that revolution you're dealing with, but nothing suspicious. The only way someone could have gotten in here is if they already were working here. And even then the regular patrols would have found at least one explosive, especially something with that strength" The soldier said.

"How about quirks? Could a teleportation quirk or transportation quirk make something like this possible?"

"Maybe some of it would be feasible with quirks, but not this many explosives. Especially not on the aircraft carrier. Any unauthorized quirk usage there would trigger lockdown protocols. Not even the most ridiculous teleportation quirks would be useful then"

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