A Normal Life

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"I'm home" Ochako announced as she walked through the door. It had been another long day with hero work. It just felt like more and more villains was popping up. In fact, crimes were at an all-time high compared to the last 8 years. Something that was worrying her ever so slightly.

"Hi mom" Eri replied from the couch. She was looking at a news broadcast. They were talking about the recent rise in crime. Then one of the news anchors started to speculate if it had any connection with the phoenix revolution.

Ochako quickly walked over to the couch, picked up the remote and turned off the TV.

"Mom" Eri said in a mildly annoyed tone. "You can't keep turning off the TV whenever they mention something related to dad. I know you like to remember his good side, but he still made the revolution" She said.

"Whatever has happened to that revolution now has nothing to do with your father. And it doesn't help to listen to mere rumours. They have been inactive ever since..." Ohcako said and took a deep breath. "You know...that day" She added with a quiet voice. "Anyway" Ochako said, quickly returning to her usual self. "Did you pick up Koshiro?" She asked. "I hope it wasn't too burdensome"

"It's fine. I'm glad to help wherever I can. He is in his room upstairs playing with his toys" Eri replied.

"Thank you" Ochako said and began walking towards the room.

"Oh, just as a warning. He seemed a bit aloof when I went to pick him up. He wouldn't tell me anything. Said he wanted to talk to you" Eri explained.

"Alright. I'll see what I can do" Ochako replied before walking away.

After walking up the stairs and to the door labelled "Koshiro" Ochako gave a quick knock before opening the door. "Hi Koshiro" She said as she saw her son playing with his toys. "Did you have a fine day at school?" Ochako asked.

"It was fine, I guess" Koshiro replied. He laid down his toys and turned around, showing his face to Ochako. It was easy that this was Izuku's son. Koshiro had freckles on his face, similar to his fathers, and the same unruly hair. Luckily for Ochako, the only green Koshiro had inherited from Izuku had been the eyes, his hair had the same shade of brown as hers'. Something that had saved her from the already speculative press back when she announced her pregnancy. Though, the quirklessness had caused some attention later on.

"You may say that, but your face says something else" Ochako said. Koshiro was a kind boy who usually had an aura of happiness around him. But now he looked more sad than anything else. "Did something happen?" Ochako asked.

"No" Koshiro answered. "It's just that..." He said, but trailed off. "What was dad like?" He asked quietly.

The question caught Ochako a bit off guard. While she had told some details before, she knew the day would come when Koshiro would want to know more. However, Ochako didn't feel ready to answer that question. Koshiro was still young, she couldn't tell him about everything Izuku did. Both because of what Izuku did and because Koshiro was too young to fully understand.

"Tell him the truth mom" Eri said, having managed to sneak up to the room. "I was younger than him when dad saved me" she added before Ochako could protest.

"Fine" Ochako said with a sigh. "Go back downstairs. I'll tell him" she added. Eri seemed satisfied with that left the mother and her son alone. "Follow me. I need to find something" Ochako said and began walking towards her room with Koshiro following behind.

Once in her room, Ochako began searching through her wardrobe while Koshiro sat down on her bed. Eventually, she found what she was looking for and pulled out a small box. "Here it is" Ochako said with a gentle smile and sat down next to Koshiro. "I guess it is time I tell you about your father" She said. She pulled out a picture she had gotten from Inko of Izuku as a little kid. "Your father was very similar to you when he was little. Kind, happy and quirkless..." Ochako began, with Koshiro listening closely.

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