It's the nature of time that the old ways must give in...

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The door rattled from under the intense knocking. Melissa Shield groggily walked over and looked through the peeping hole. Outside stood a group of four people in dark clothes.

"Who is it?"

"I-island security. We've got a search warrant for illegal materials."

Melissa took a step back. "Could you show it to me?"

She jumped back when something heavy was rammed into the door. Twice the door bent under the force before it fell, and the group rushed into the apartment. None of them had the labels of the local security.

Just as one of them started cuffing Melissa, two of the others was dragged out the door by a grey cloth. The one cuffing Melissa tried drawing a gun, but was stopped by the same grey cloth as a purple haired figure rushed into the appartement and knocked them out.

The last person stood with his gun pointed at the attacker when a crackling voice sounded in the room. "What's the status?"

"We've been atta-" The persons face turned empty, and his body froze.

The attacker's mask retracted as he spoke with a normal voice. "Put down your gun, then cuff your colleagues, then yourself." The frozen person started doing so as the attacker turned towards Melissa. "You're Melissa Shield, right?"

"Yeah, who are you?"

"Discord," Hitoshi said. "Your government found out about your side project. Deku sent us to get you out."

"I need to get my files at the lab then," Melissa said as she rushed out the door. "If the feds get those years of work will be undone."

The two hurried through the dim paths of I-island. "Tsukuyomi should be at your lab now keeping it safe," Hitoshi said as they got close.

"Who's Tsukuyomi?" Melissa asked. Her question was quickly answered when a dark shadow burst out from her lab, holding a person firing their gun wildly. "Oh, that guy."

The cell door closed mechanically behind Deku. In front of him, sitting in a chair far too big, was the frail body of All Might. "I was surprised when I heard that you surrendered yourself," Deku said as he sat down. "I thought that you would flee to the states." He chuckled. "But oh am I glad to have you right where I want."

"How's Uraraka reacting to this?" All Might asked.

"She uhm..." Deku stuttered. "I don't really know. I've been ignoring it until this is over."

"No dreams?"

"Not yet."

All Might pondered for a bit. "Do you truly believe that this vendetta you have against me is worth it? You've already destroyed my reputation at this point. Hardly any one in this country looks at my career fondly these days. What do you really get out of killing me that you don't already have other than a fancy closure? Ochako loves you very much, you're important to her and your children. I really hope that that won't be destroyed by petty vengeance."

"This isn't just vengeance." Deku looked away. "And I can deal with Ochako. She'll get over it."

All Might leaned forwards. "And what if she doesn't? Not to mention your desire to kill Bakugo. There is a limit to every relationship. Can you say for sure that killing him won't reach that limit? And what do you plan to say to Koshiro when he asks why you killed Fumiko's father?" Izuku slowly shook his head looking down. All Might rose up and gently placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Don't give up on a happy life just to fulfil old grudges Midoriya."

Deku's gaze snapped towards All Might as he pushed the old man away. "Who cares about my happy ending?" He was seething. "My life is nothing compared to the good of everyone. Everything I do is done out of necessity."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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