A Ship With Secrets

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Ochako sat in deep thought as she and some other heroes were transported to the ship Angvik in a helicopter. They had decided to send a group of American and Japanese heroes to intercept the ship. They would search for the container and determine if it is a hostage situation. Ochako was afraid that the latter was very probable.

"Stop worrying about him" Bakugo said, taking Ochako out of her thoughts.

"What?" Ochako wondered.

"You're thinking about Deku, I can see it on you" Bakugo replied. "I know you have conflicting thought about him and the revolution, but you have to put them aside now. You can worry about it later" He stated, leaving little room for discussion.

"I guess you're right" Ochako replied in a slightly nonchalant tone.

"Damn straight I am" Bakugo said brashly. "Anyways, we're almost there. I can see the ship" He added.

Ochako looked towards the medium sized container ship that had caused so much fuss. It was green with yellow stripes and a white bridge. And towards the stern there was a helipad.

Once the helicopter had landed and the heroes had gotten off it, they were greeted by the captain of the ship.

"It isn't every day that we get a visit from heroes on this ship. Welcome aboard" The Captain said in a slightly accented English. He was a middle-aged man with a jovial expression. He had light brown hair and a matching thick beard.

"We won't disturb you for long. We're just here to search for something" One of the American heroes said as they continued in English.

"And what would that be?" The Captain asked, losing some of his former jovialness.

"That is classified" The American hero replied.

"Look, I'm not against any authorities searching my ship. However, since we're on international waters, I'd like to know why. So unless you're his majesty King Håkon VIII, then I need to know more than just classified" The Captain said without room for debate.

"Fine. We're here to search for a container that we believe the Phoenix revolution is trying to smuggle into Japan. They're a known terrorist organization responsible for many death in the past" The American hero explained. "Is that enough for you?" He asked.

"The Phoenix revolution, I remember hearing about them some years back. Fought some super villain or something. Haven't heard much about them in the news since then" The Captain mumbled to himself. "Anyways, I won't stop you from searching after them. But I don't think you'll find anything here. I make sure nothing suspicious comes aboard" He replied.

"And we won't blame you if there was something you missed" The hero said and began directing the heroes to search the ship.

"He can't be a hostage. He's either in on it, or not the real captain of this ship" Bakugo grumbled to Ochako.

"I can assure you that I am the captain of this ship. I've been so for the last 10 years" The captain interjected with surprisingly good Japanese. "Now, if there is nothing else then I'll be heading to the bridge" He said, switching back to English so that the other heroes could understand. He then began walking up to the bridge.

"You might be on to something. I'll interrogate him and see if I can figure something out" Ochako said and began following the Captain. "Hey, is it alright if I ask you a few questions?" She asked.

"If you think it is important miss... uhm" The captain replied.

"Call me Uravity" Ochako said as the two entered the bridge of the ship.

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