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Two thoughts went through Dabi's head as a massive fist cam crashing down towards him. The first one was wondering how he would survive this, and the second one was planning how he would kill Deku for making him fight this monster again. Luckily the first issue was solved when the target of the second thought pulled him away.

"We've gotten too far now for you to die on me like that. The beast is almost down." Deku said.

"Down? We've barely scratched him, even with your power" Dabi said. He turned as Gigantomachia tore himself out of one of Todoroki's glaciers.

"Haven't you noticed? He's slowing down, he's getting tired. All we need is one final push" Deku said. Green lightning began crackling around him ominously. "I'll try to get him into the ground, tell Todoroki and Gentle be ready. As soon as he's on the ground I want him to stay there."

Deku leapt forwards towards the roaring giant in front of him, delivering a strike to the head. Gigantomachia stumbled slightly before directing his rage towards Deku. Gigantomachia swinged his fist towards Deku who jumped over it and up Gigantomachia's arm.

"Leave me alone!" Gigantomachia said and flung his arm upwards, launching Deku into the sky. Deku wrapped black whips around the giants head and came down for a blow. His fist smashed into Gigantomachia's head and pushed it into the ground with a boom.

"Now!" Deku said and began tying up Gigantomachia with his black whips. A hill of ice formed over Gigantomachia's back followed soon by a streak of pink going over it, making the ice elastic. Deku smirked as Gigantomachia was pinned to the ground. "So, big guy, do you want to make this difficult, or will you bend the knee?"

"I only serve Lord" Gigantomachia said.

"Haven't you heard? All for one is history, I made sure of that" Deku said. Gigantomachia's eyes shot up and he roared. The ice above formed cracks and Deku felt the black whips losing their grip. "Maybe it's time for you to rest" He said and threw a canister into the open mouth. The canister cracked open and the contents turned into a gas as it went down the giant's throat.

"I'll avenge my lord!" Gigantomachia said as his hands grew long claws. They began tearing up the earth and within second he had disappeared into the ground.

"That was new" Dabi said.

"Be careful, he'll be back" Deku said and looked back and forth over the ground. A sudden sensation in his head made him turn around towards Gentle and Todoroki. He leapt forwards and pushed away right as a fist rose from the ground and caught him. The fist closed its' grip around him as Gigantomachia rose up.

Deku felt like he was about to break under the grip. It was right before he used his own quirk before the grip loosened and he was dropped on the ground. Two streams of fire, one blue and one white, were engulfing Gigantomachia. The giant lunged towards Deku, ignoring the inferno around him. Deku got ready to fight back when Gigantomachia suddenly fell to the ground.

"What happened?" Gentle said.

"A very potent sedative along with some technical stuff from Melissa" Deku said. He walked up to Gigantomachia's head and inspected it. "Went right into his bloodstream. After that it was just a matter of time before he went to sleep."

"Then why you didn't use that sooner?" Dabi said.

"Because his quirks is still largely unknown. He could very well had had a quirk to counteract fatigue or substances. I had to know if there was a limit to his energy." Deku turned around and smirked. "Anyways, now comes the fun part, turning him into a weapon to turn the tides."

"You sure that he will be enough? We're literally fighting the most well-equipped army on Earth right now" Todoroki said.

"Not in this state of course. I need to turn him into something much more powerful. I'm thinking something with more fire, some shadows, wings, and a pair of horns perhaps. Like a balr..." Deku said before suddenly stopping. He stumbled and began coughing.

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