The Clash of Giants

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Spinner dropped down from the wall with his sword ready to deal with the soldiers below. His blade immediately pierced one soldier and quickly found itself lodged in another's throat. Spinner pulled out a knife and slashed the hands a third soldier, making him drop his gun. He turned around and threw the knife towards the soldier, burying it into the skull. Spinner then finished of the third soldier with a simple cut across the abdomen.

The wound in spinner's shoulder screamed out in agony from the sudden movements. The bandage was already turning red. "Can't keep fighting like this" He said. He could hear the sound of a tank approaching. "All units fall back, Kagoshima is lost" Spinner said over the comms.

"Ignore that order. Maintain defensive lines" Another voice said over the comms. "We're pushing back these invaders" Deku said. Then came a sudden explosion from around the corner along with a flying tank turret with nothing attached. "So what is the situation?" Deku said as he walked around the corner.

"Not good. We're nearly pushed out of Kagoshima, coastal defences are gone and they've taken most of the nearby coastline. SAM-sites are also gone giving them complete air superiority. Establishing a proper defensive line is pointless as they just break through them so we're using ambushes instead. Though that won't work once we're pushed out of the city" Spinner said. His gaze turned towards the ground. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, I've never though for a moment that you're not trying your best. That shoulder wound is testament to that." Deku grabbed Spinner's uninjured shoulder. "Don't worry now, I am here and our ultimate weapon will arrive soon. Within a few minutes the Americans will be the ones running away. We just need to hold them back for a little while longer. Until then I want you to get some medical help" Deku said and opened a portal. "I've got this."

"Go and kick their ass" Spinner said and began walking towards the portal.

"Oh, one more thing." Spinner stopped. "How is the situation regarding civilians?" Deku said.

"The attack came suddenly, so we didn't have time to evacuate anyone. The outer edges has evacuated on their own, but the city centre had civilians running around. I don't know how the situation is now though" Spinner said. "How come?"

"I was just wondering, that's all" Deku said and jumped away.

Deku came crashing down on a small convoy of soldier, sending them flying to side as he impacted the ground. Deku launched the closest ones into a nearby with an explosion. Some of the other soldier opened fire. Deku quickly raised up a wall between him and the gunfire. Once the guns fell silent he smashed his fist through the wall and grabbed the soldiers with black whips. With one pull they all crashed through the wall and flew into the air. Another yank downwards ensured their demise.

"We've located Deku" An English voice said from above.

A sudden force suddenly pushed Deku into the ground. He felt the ground grow around his feet and arms, locking him in place. He looked up and could see tree figures standing above him. Their features were difficult to see due to the sun. "So they're sending heroes as well now."

"On behalf of the US government we demand that you surrender" One of the figures said. Deku recognised the voice.

"Captain celebrity, the embodiment of everything wrong with hero society. Like I'll ever surrender to corrupt celebrities" Deku said. He released a massive explosion that blew away the shackles around his hands. Another explosion pushed him back up and face to face with one of the heroes. He quickly grabbed the hero's neck and twisted it with a crack.

The ground suddenly rose up and engulfed Deku and began throwing him back and forth. He tried using Overhaul, but the earth filled the gaps faster than he could make them. In desperation he sent out black whips through the earth, trying to grab onto something. Finding something to hold onto he ripped himself out of the shifting earth and through a building.

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