Episode 2 pt 2

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Will scanned the skyline briefly, noticing the looming thunderheads that seemed to be inching closer with every passing five minutes. Buildings blotted out the warm breeze in some places, leaving a sinister chill and pervading dampness of the gutter. He was still thankful for the light issue jacket, though it was already late April. He and Officer O'Carrick had been patrolling their beat with nothing to report as yet, except a few speeding tickets and one neighbor dispute. That hadn't been enjoyable; the neighbors were tenants in one of the overcrowded buildings downtown, and the argument had been stormily violent-two ladies fighting over rights of the laundry line stretched down a rickety stairwell. Absentmindedly he rubbed his shin, the sting of the broom handle still smarting. 

 Crackling static burst into his reminisce, and both officers turned their heads to catch the monotone voice better. " Mary--2-4--reporting, officer--shots--Lin--request backup."

 Will became suddenly aware the feeling in the car had changed. HIs eyes flickered over to his partner; Mary was a motorcycle call sign, but he was unfamiliar if it had been Officer Davidson's voice or not. Halt's face was void of emotion, but the young man could tell he was listening intently. Will felt his anxiety rise, as the operator requested the patrol unit to repeat their whereabouts. The answer was another burst of static.

 "Could be his radio messing up from the storm," Will ventured.

"Not likely." Pulling the car over with a twist of the wheel, the senior officer picked up the mic. "All Mary's show your statue and call sign." They sat in silence, as one by one, the few bike officers on duty ran through their status and call sign. Halt's face only got stonier, as they neared the end, and after the last one rang through and the operator confirmed it had been bike 244, he calmly responded with the acknowledgement. "All units, be on the lookout for bike 244, last position known, 12 Star ln."

 As they swung back into traffic, Will had a sudden thought and checked his wristwatch. "It's almost one. Wouldn't he have been radioing code seven before long?"  He thought rapidly. They had been going to meet up, he was sure Halt had been going to and Davidson would have had the same shift, unless his last call held him up. Halt grunted. "That doesn't help us much. " The excitement of his idea made Will sit back in the seat farther; Halt looked over at him for the first time, as if remembering who was in the patrol car. "But it was good to hash over all your options." His voice was lightly approving. 

"Where do we start, then?" Will couldn't make his voice rise to match. In a town this big, there were a hundred and one streets beginning with "Lin". Halt seemed so calm, while he seemed to be flying to pieces from stress inside. And he didn't even know Davidson, as well as Officer O'Carrick did. 

 "We'll start at the last known stop, and work our way from there, moving in uniform blocks with other patrol units that can be spared." Will looked out the window again, noticing the storm was getting closer to bursting upon them, ready to make the job that much more difficult. And Davidson's chances slimmer. 

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