Episode 2 pt 5 Finale

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Will's heart pounded in his chest, rebounding in his ears until even the thunder that rolled overhead was muffled. Taking a few breaths, he took the moment to familiarize himself with his surroundings. He stood right beside the sheds back door, now, Officer O'Carrick to his left. They had scoured the perimeter and found only one small window to the left of the shed, and the door.

 Officer O'Carrick insisted on taking the door. Will was to cover him from the window. He hated to even allow all the possibilities of what could go wrong to even enter his head.

  That wasn't a possibility.

The next thunderous boom came, and they quickly took their positions. From his view point, Will could see the men's shadowy forms inside, where they huddled together, watching the downed officer and his bike, waiting until the moment when he would run out of bullets and they could rush him.

 It was Will's call when to rush. He took another deep breath, counted to ten and then-Now. He jerked his head in the affirmative, and Halt blasted through the door, his shotgun at the ready as he yelled "Hold your fire!"

  Simultaneously, Will smashed a hole in the window glass as the men half rose from a crouch and called out,  "Police! Hold your fire!"

 And then, just like that, it was over. The men had known they were beat-and Halt had them cuffed and patted down for extra weapons . There were three of them, and they looked like some of the hardest types Will had ever seen. Dirty fedoras low over foreheads, their clothes had once been stylish but in a wild way. He had the Colt pistols secure and turned just in time to see Halt straighten and make for the front. They'd done their duty and secured the criminals, now he would see to his fellow officer. In the distance a siren's wail was coming closer, sounding as dreary as the rain that had now decided to slow to a patter. 

 Will thought of the anxiety that Officer O'Carrick had concealed through the arrest. His calmness and thoroughness, leaving nothing undone and knew it was a special kind of man that he worked with. If he could measure up to a third of what this legend was..he supposed it would be too much, but he would sure try.

 Footsteps rapidly approached, and two more men in blue rounded the corner, halting as they saw the drenched young rookie on the alert. "Hear you guys put in a neat bit of work. We'll take over and let  you get back to your unit, if you like."

 He handed it over with reluctance, wavering between going to the car the back way, or going out front and seeing for himself. To be honest, Will wasn't sure whether he would be an unwelcome addition just then, or not.. unknowingly his feet took him around the shed, and toward the bike. 

 Officer O'Carrick was kneeling down by the bike, his mouth moving but the words indistinct. Will's pace slowed but the Officer looked up at that moment, and he gestured in Will's  direction.

  As Will drew near, he felt almost wobbly in sudden relief. Flat on his back he might be, muddy streaks down his face, and disheveled but Officer Davidson's smile was just as easy and reassuring as if he had been standing in the parade ground. "Hi, kid. Didn't expect to meet up with you two like this, but things just happened.."

  "Things just happened!" Officer O'Carrick's voice was hard and low, and Will felt prickles along his neck. He suddenly realized that he had unconsciously straightened his shoulders, and tried to relax them a little. "You just couldn't pass up trying to take on some desperados singlehandedly. That's reckless and thoughtless."

 "I regret nothing. You would have done it too," Davidson retorted, not in the least affected by the angry look his superior was giving him. "But, just to show I really appreciate everything you guys did, let me buy you lunch after I get back."

 "Is it bad?" Will blurted out before he could stop himself. Davidson looked taken back. "Bless you, no. I just dislocated the knee cap when I took the spill, and couldn't get out. Fortunately I landed on the far side, so I had some protection." His eyes slid over to O'carrick and he coughed gently. "I really do appreciate it, Halt. I was about out of ammunition, to be honest. And I didn't think those kids were going to actually be much help, but it at least got them out of the gunfire.."

 O'Carrick grunted. "Just don't forget it. And next time, keep your appointments, huh?" A medic was approaching, bag in hand so they moved over to be out of the way as he examined the police man. Wind gusted up the street, twisting the tree limbs, a forgotten sign banging suddenly against the shop's peeling frame. Will shuddered as it hit him, icy fingers pricking along his back. He felt weary and drained, but knew that it would still be five hours until the end of shift. 

 O'Carrick, a few paces ahead, suddenly stopped as he reached to open the patrol door. His dark eyes bored into the rookie, mouth twisting a little. What had he done, Will wondered frantically.

 "Let's get back to the station. You're soaking wet." Without another word, he slid into the car and Will scrambled for the handle. A hard man to understand, this Halt O'Carrick, he thought.


  Shadows were the man's friend, he felt comfortable in them. Leisurely relaxing against the cold brick wall, his thoughts ran along the usual pattern. His pay, and how he would spend it. Digging into a shabby pocket, the man fumbled with the paper, rolling it into the semblance of a smoke just as his ear caught the sound of footsteps approaching. Quickly shoving it back in, he straightened and watched as a darker form came out of the pitch.

  "Do you have it?" The voice sounded hollow in this alley way and reminded him too much of ghosts. 

"Yeh. Here." The goods were exchanged, and he received his envelope greedily, already digging out the crisp bills to gloat. The shadow turned to leave, then casually paused.

 "Any new word on the street?"

Now what? The goon wanted to chat? Well, Tippy wasn't thrilled but he supposed he could talk to keep the peace. "Not much. A couple o' jobs downtown, but the other boys 'er coverin' em'." He paused a minute. Now, there had been something..the shadow was leaving this time, but he remembered and spoke excitedly . "Oh yeh! Is the Man still interested in O'Carrick?" About time he remembered, that guy had been a pain in his life for years.

 A subtle pause, then, "Maybe. Why, got something fresh?"

Tippy drew himself up a little, chest expanding. "Well, I got kinder used t' following him about. I found out that he ain't quitting, not yet anyways. And, he's got a new kid t' train."

 "A new rookie, eh?" Tippy slouched back into his corner, not liking the way the atmosphere suddenly changed. Now he recalled why he didn't like having any more dealings with these goons than he had too. Loose tongue!

 "That might be interesting to the Man." The shadow moved away, his voice echoing behind him eerily. "If someone kept tabs, it could be good....see you around, Tip."


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