Episode 3 pt 2 A Simple Job

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Roll call had ended, and blue uniformed men were scattering to the various patrol cars and bikes, ready for the new day of vigilant protection. Will watched them go, taking off with easy stride and smiles, listening to the jibs that came so easily between friends. Sighing he turned to look for Officer o Carrick and nearly walked into Gilan Davidson.

"Surprised you a little? Sorry, I just got in the habit of walking quietly and can't seem to break it now." The motorcycle cop slapped the rookie on the shoulder, his handsome face split into a grin. He too, seemed to be carefree today Will thought. Maybe it was because of the pressure of today's mission. And the fact that Officer O'Carrick didn't fully trust him after all this time. "You're a little tense, Will. Working yourself up to a pitch over this job?"

Will blinked, confused for a moment as it had seemed Gilan had read his mind. "Wait, you're doing it too? Sir?" He added belated. ""Call me Gilan, remember? Everyone does." The policeman nodded his head. "But to answer your question, yeah. I'm riding up front with some of the other boys to make it look more official." 

Halt came from the side door and headed to the patrol car in stride that ate the ground quickly. Straightening his shoulders, Will turned and smiled back at Gilan. "I'm glad. I guess we'll see you later. " "Hey Will." As he stopped and waited for Gilan to finish, the officer glanced to the patrol car quickly then back at  Davidson. "I know you're still on probation but relax. You've been on the street for a couple of months now, and you're riding with the best." 

"I know it, that's what makes me realize how far I have to go." Gilan shook his head as the words came out of his mouth. "You can try and work hard but sometimes a cop needs to also follow a gut feeling. It is as important as memorizing all the manual, sometimes more.

The patrol door slammed and the motor revved to life, a warning they were about to leave, whether he was in it or not. "I'm not sure I'm going to make the cut. But thanks for that, Gilan." Jogging off he left the tall man to join his senior officer in the car. Sliding into the seat, Will snatched the Mike and quickly cleared them, as O Carrick remained in silence. They were waiting for just one more thing now, and it came through the doors under double guard, wearing cuffs. Freddie boy was loaded into the back, and Halt jerked a thumb. "You need to be in back. Keep him from bolting." 

"Right." Good job, Will thought grimly. Making mistakes already. But he exchanged seats quickly and they were soon on their way, following several cars that swarmed about a bigger patrol car, noticeably prominent in the middle. They began the ride to the station.

Will observed Freddie Boy in snatched from the corner of his eye, while keeping track of their route and the streets. Narrow shoulders slouched under the pinstripe suite jacket, and the gang leader chewed a wad of gum slowly and rhythmically, looking about him with a bold stare. "Watcha looking at, Cop?"

Will turned his head and saw the man now staring at him. "Worried I'm going to break out of here?" He asked with a smirk of his lips "well you should," he said when will didn't respond. "I have no plans of visiting the Feds."

"We're going to get you there nice and safe, Freddie, don't you worry" O'Carricks voice, calm and level, answered for Will. Freddie smirked again. "whatever. So, how long you been in the good boys league, kid? You don't look old enough."

For whatever reason, the man had decided to make Will his target for the ride and the rookie struggled to keep his face neutral under the calm digging and poking. Whether he was doing good or not, Will wasn't sure. He had never been good at hiding things.

"Ah. You must still be on probation, am | right?" When Freddie still didn't get a response, he raised his cuffed hands and punched Will lightly on the shoulder.

"good for you, kid. But take it from a pro, don't get sucked into this good and noble stuff or you'll turn out like cranky here."

In spite of himself, Will had jerked back at Freddie's touch, a hand automatically raising in defense. It threw him off guard, and  without thinking he muttered "I wouldn't mind that."

It wasn't what he had meant to say, but when Will looked quickly into the mirror, O Carrick eyes shot up and looked the gangster over coldly. "Keep your hands to yourself buddy," the man barked. 

Will realized he should have said something of the sort, professional and curt, instead of blurting a reply to the gangster's thrust. He focused on the streets again, watching the cars to the side and behind them. Freddie Boy laughed annoyingly.

"Treaty, see the car behind us?" O Carrick nudged Will back into their job and he swiftly checked without being noticeable. They were a block from where they were to leave the main group, and a dark sedan had been on their tail for the last two crossings. Could be coincidences but an officer was better off not trusting in those. Will nodded, "yeah." 

"Don't worry yourselves boys, just some friends of mine." Freddie Boy leaned back into the seat and grinned.

O Carrick grunted. "Maybe. Or maybe it's the grim reaper coming to visit you, Freddie." The man's face darkened and he growled in his throat, a strange little noise like a terrier, Will thought.

"Watch the car when we turn, and see if they follow." The street had come and with a smooth rotation of the wheel they parted ways with the convoy. The black sedan rolled past and Will sighed a little in relief. But he kept his eyes on the road behind them, and the officer following at a discreet distance. They were only a mile and a half away, and Will was almost feeling giddy with relief. And then, the next block, the sedan was back. 

"Company," he said, and O Carricks eyes followed his gaze to the car in back.

"It never goes easily," the senior officer said grimly, and ever so little the patrol car sped up. The black sedan kept pace. They were reaching the outskirts of the town now, and Will was surprised at how quickly they had gone from buildings to trees and sections of empty lots with grass. Somehow the sedan had gotten between them and the patrol car following, and as Will saw no further sight of it he became worried that maybe another car had cut the escort completely off. As they ticked off

another mile on the speedometer the car rounded a corner and Wills voice raised in alarm. "Looks like they're going to try and pass us!"

The sedan had pulled alongside and he could see the men now. Dark fedoras pulled low over sharp faces, and a hand snaking out of the window with an handgun. "They're going to shoot!"

"Hey, hey, those ain't my men! Get past em, get outta here quick!" Freddie's voice, raises in alarm was the las Will heard before the gun went off and the patrol car slid off and down an embankment. 

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