Episode 3, Old Feuds, Bad Blood Pt 1

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Sitting in the patrol car, Will kept an eye out on the traffic idly, his mind only half engaged on actually watching the cars. The other part of him was wondering why it took Officer O'Carrick so long to get a coffee to go. They had been parked in front of the diner for ten minutes, and it wasn't even a busy section of town. His window was down, the Spring wind not chilly enough to penetrate his jacket, and he had let his arm come to rest on the sill. Two months of probation, and he was still scared to death he wouldn't make it. Every time he met those piercing dark eyes, the question seemed to shoot from them.."Do you think you have what it takes?"

  Sudden movement from his peripheral vision caused him to try and turn his head, but his arm was seized in a viselike grip as cold metal pushed hard against his neck. "And pow, you're a dead cop." 

 Sinking weakly back in his seat, Will's eyes met the unreadable ones of Officer O'Carrick, who released his arm and holstered his weapon. Will swallowed through a dry throat and then cleared it as the man slid into the driver's seat. "When did you leave the shop?" he asked.

  O'Carrick grunted, focused for the moment on pulling out into traffic. "I left it as soon as I entered. Got out into the alleys and approached you from behind. Stood there awhile to see if you were watching the streets, you weren't." Will's stomach churned as he realized he had failed yet another one of the Officer's surprise tests.

 "An officer who don't watch his back, " Halt began, 

"-Makes a nice corpse," Will finished quietly. He didn't see the man's head turn, but he knew that O'Carrick was watching him from the corner of his eye. "I won't do it again," he added earnestly.

  "Hmm." What kind of answer was that?, the rookie wondered anxiously. Then he lifted his jaw determinedly. He would do better. Will Treaty was going to be a full fledged officer and join the ranks of blue. He'd win this man's approval too, if it was the only thing he ever did. When had it become the most important thing of his life, he wondered. The first time he'd met O'Carrick, or within the last few weeks? Suddenly, he caught site of a man waving at them frantically from the sidewalk, and sat up. "There-"

 O'Carrick was already pulling the car over and put it in gear. Stepping out, he nodded to Will to do the same. "It's ok, I know him."

  The man approached the car, wiping his forehead with a handkerchief even though the wind should have taken away any need for one. "Am I glad to see yuse, Halt!" In his forties, Will thought, average Joe on the street. He wore a vest over a button up shirt, his trousers pressed flawlessly. Evidently big on appearances, the Rookie summed up.

 "What seems to be the matter, Joe?" Will felt a grin starting as he realized he had unconsciously gotten the guy's name, but it was quickly wiped off by the next words.

 "I got a problem-man on the second floor-he's dead."

"Lead me to him," Halt said quietly. When the man took off like a shot, the officers followed, their longer legs eating the pavement quickly than this short guy. Will realized they were going into a hotel and looked about curiously as they entered. It was clean enough, about the kind traveling salesmen stayed in, or people just passing through. They were past the lobby and going up a narrow staircase. The wood floor creaking in protest under their shoes. Will felt his hands turn clammy and wiped them on his pant leg. Not the time to get squeamish, Will.

  The door was the last one on their left, the man named Joe pointing with an almost indignant finger. "There. That one. In my respectable hotel!"

 O'Carrick carefully nudged the door open and peered inside. A moment later, he retracted his head and nodded to Will. "Go downstairs and use the phone on the curb. We need the detectives."


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