Episode 3 pt 3 A Simple Job

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 Things were happening so quickly that Halt only saw most of it in a dusty blur. With a sickening crunch their patrol car crashed sideways into a tree and stopped their slide down an embankment, causing all riders to be thrown sideways and causing him to crack his head on the dash. He saw stars for a second, then as he recovered, he grabbed for the car radio mike, but dropped it as a burst of squeals and static greeted him. Dead air. Above them somewhere, the sedan's tires crunched warningly on dirt and Halt knew they didn't have much time to make up a defense. "Treaty!" 

 The passenger door was blocked by the tree and Halt had to exit on the side unprotected. He grabbed the shot gun from under the seat and scooted to the far side of the unit, wrenching the stubborn door open. He had to practically catch Freddie Boy, who made no effort to stop himself from falling. "Treaty, out quick!"

  The rookie had also recovered his gun, and slid out, helping Halt drag an unconscious gangster out of the doorway. Out cold. Maybe better that way, Halt thought grimly. The last thing he needed right now was a hysterical man. They had been fortunate, he realized in a glance, having hit a perfect little shelter in this group of cedars and oaks. The embankment gradually sloped off to woods to their right, but rose almost straight across from them, making a little platform dotted with trees and loose rocks. Something glittered among them and he shoved Treaty's head down with his, as a gun went off. "They've got the high ground, on that bluff," He growled. "What happened to the other unit! They should have been right behind us."

  He glanced at the younger officer. "Are you alright?" Treaty was gripping his gun as if he feared it might fly from his fingers, should he loosen his hold the smallest bit, but his eyes were clear and  he nodded slightly. "I'm fine. " Then his brow furrowed, as he seemed to look at Halt for the first time. "Are you alright, Ha-uh, Sir? You're bleeding!"

  Halt wiped his forehead with a sleeved arm and glanced at the stained fabric. "I'll get my granny to put a bandage on it, when we get back," he replied glibly and felt better when he saw his joke had made Treaty smile just a little. Just enough to keep him from getting wired up too tightly. 

 Their position was good, for the moment. They had enough cover and some ammo. But they were also hidden from the road, and from any help. They had no mike, and worse still, no backup. Another gunshot hit the door frame at the top, and both officers flinched. Treaty raised his gun but O'Carrick shoved the barrel back down. "Save it," he told his junior officer grimly. Treaty nodded, his brown eyes so trusting and confident in his leader. Halt had to look away. It had still been too recent, the last time a junior officer had looked at him like that. He wasn't going to let this one be disappointed though. 

  "Treaty." Halt studied the trees to the right and along the little valley, thinking hard. "We're just about across from the station as the crow flies-that's our nearest phone. Our mikes dead," he added quickly, forestalling the young man's begun question, "and we can't count on our backup-we have to assume they've been cut off too. So you're going to scoot along those trees, and hike it up to the station and a pay phone when I give the order. Got it?"

  "But what about you?" Treaty was frowning, and a million worries flashed through those brown eyes. 

 "I have to keep this guy from getting killed, and I'll also give you cover when you start out-there's a space right there, where you'll be in the open for a minute. " Suddenly reaching across, Halt clapped Treaty on the shoulder. "You can do it, Will. I trust you."

  The young man blinked at the use of his first name, and opened his mouth.

"Hey cops! We want a word with you!" The harsh shout cut off what he had been about to say, and they both snapped to attention. On the ridge, a man stood waving a white hanky.

 "Better not stand out there too long, I might get tempted," Halt barked. "You boys have enough trouble without trying to do this. Go on back home, let Freddie get punished by the law."

  The figure retreated a couple of steps, till they were nearer a rock, before they replied. "Orders is orders, you boys should know that. But we don't want t' have to kill us any blue boys unless we gotta. So toss out the jerk and we'll be on our way."

  "Let me think on it." Halt lifted a hand to keep Treaty quiet, and leaned over. "When I stand up, you hightail it. Got it?"

  "Got it, Sir."

"Here we go," Halt said, grimly standing to his feet. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a blue figure also stand, and then he focused on the gangster as he yelled. "We say, no go!" His gun spoke next, several shots sending the man across the valley scampering behind his rock as Will rose and raced for the next cover.

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