Episode 3 part 1 A Simple Job

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  Halt and Treaty swung down the hallway in equal strides as they headed toward the lockers when Chief Cowley stuck his head out from the office door.

 "Halt, Treaty, I need to speak with you." Treaty stopped and swung around, but when Halt kept moving, the Chief threw up his hands and barked, "Officer O'Carrick, I need you too!"

 "Oh, you do?" Halt asked innocently, noticing Treaty working hard to stifle a grin by staring intently at a ceiling crack above him. "I only heard  you tell Treaty to stop." He gave the rookie a nudge with his elbow, and met his grinning eyes, raising one eyebrow as Chief Crowley groaned. 

"Would you cut it out with the name jokes, today? I need you boys to be serious for a minute."

 Obediently they followed him into the office, and shut the door. Waiting at attention until their Chief had collected his thoughts and papers collectively. Then he sighed. 

 "I had word today, that a gang member from downtown was going to be transferred to the pen, today, through a circuitous route." Crowley met their eyes and smiled wryly. "Seems our boy is on the gang's wanted list too, and are going to try and waylay the patrol car taking him-as word from an informant has it."

  Treaty looked puzzled, and asked, "Sir, why wouldn't they just let the law punish him?"

"That would be nice, wouldn't it?" Crowley met Halt's gaze briefly. It was a silent message for his acceptance while he answered Treaty. "But this boy-Freddie Boy, actually, was instrumental in a gang war that killed the rival gang leaders son. Now he wants justice, and not in a soft prison. A matter of gang pride, you could say," he added, and Treaty nodded.

  "Aren't you picking the wrong crew?" Halt's question had been expected, but he saw Crowley's jaw clench. 

"I'm picking my able men. All I need, is for you and Treaty to take him to the station in Laurel."

"That's out in the country!" Halt's protest was unexpectedly loud to his own ears, but he continued. "And not to mention, I have a probationer!" He could have slapped himself as soon as the words left his mouth. An unconscious worry in his mind had been voiced, and there was no help for it. looking at Treaty from the corner of his eyes he watched as the young man clenched his jaw and stuck his chin out. 

 "Sir, I have only three weeks left." And I know I can do it, the brown eyes spoke. 

But a gang war...why of all things, Halt thought, bitterly. He knew he was being unreasonable. Rookies were thrown into worse situations their first day. It was only a matter of time, before Will Treaty found himself in one. Wouldn't it be better, if he helped him through it first? 

"Just get him to the station, Halt. The Feds will take over from there." Crowley's eyes were looking soft and all "I know what you're thinking". Halt didn't need the sympathy. He made his choice.

"alright. When are we leaving?"

The whole room seemed to let out a sigh of relief. That was nice for everyone else, Halt thought bitterly. He focused his mind to the instructions that Crowley was laying out on the desk.

"The patrol car taking Freddie Boy will leave here at ten o'clock. You and Treaty, will follow it for two blocks, with other patrol cars." His hand swept across the map of twisty Chicago streets, and the officers followed carefully. "At this intersection you will no longer follow, but break off with another car to South Park. Then, if it appears no one is following, the patrol car will radio the all clear and keep a distance from you while you proceed with the prisoner to Laurel station."

 Halt grunted. " A decoy run. Why do I feel like we're the pigeon?" He glanced at Treaty, and noticed the anxious I-have-to-do-good look he was wearing. 
"Alright. It's just so easy looking I can't quite believe it, but we'll do our best. Right, partner?" Treaty's serious face looked up from the map and his eyes widened just the tiniest before he smiled. "Right, partner-sir." 

  "I dare you to laugh" Halt telegraphed to Crowley, as he propelled his rookie officer out the door.

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