Episode 11 Pt 2 Villains and Vivacious Friends

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  Jennifer Dalby scrunched her nose as her rosy cheeks lifted in a smile.

"My goodness, you've grown since I last saw you-you're taller than I am!"

As she stood on the shorter side, that hadn't taken much, Will reflected. But as she was a couple years older, Jenny had always been the mothering sort back at the orphanage and he realized now just how much he had missed her caring ways. Then he blinked, realizing he was standing on the sidewalk grinning like a goof while his partner watched with a characteristically blank expression.

 "Uh, Jennifer, this is Halt O'Carrick. Halt, this is Jennifer Dalby, a-" He hesitated the barest second before adding, "childhood friend."

 "Ah yes, a childhood friend that gets introduced like a formal acquaintance." Digging him in the ribs, Jenny chuckled and extended a hand to the grizzled officer before her. "A pleasure to meet any friend of Will's. Call me Jenny. May I call you Halt?"

 Will thought his eyes might drop out of his head as Jenny continued to chat amiably to the officer O'Carrick as if she'd known him all her life. There was not a shred of discomfort or awkwardness in her, merely an open friendliness that endeared her to all she met. It seemed to be even working on Halt.

 "That would be fine," replied Halt. Then he leveled his gaze on Will, who resisted the impulse to squirm by a hair. "Would you like to invite Jenny to have coffee with us at the cafe?"

  Jenny didn't wait for an answer but grabbed Will by the arm. "I'd love to! There is so much to catch up on; you never told me that you passed your training and had become an officer," she added, looking at the blue uniform that had once been crisp and creased with an approving older-sister air. "Where do you normally go?"

 "Duke's Cafe on -nd" Halt supplied. Replacing his cap he added, "We need to drop off our passenger or I'd offer you a ride there."

"No worries," Jenny waved her hand blithely. "I know the place and it won't take me long to get there. I'll see you there then, Will!"

 She waved them off and then as the patrol car rounded the corner, Halt coughed. "So, how many more lovely childhood friends are going to throw their arms about your neck, or is she the only one?"

 Feeling heat crawl up his neck at the officer's not-so subtle hint, Will stared out at the street as if he were busy watching for stolen plates. "Jenny's always been a good friend," he mumbled. "It isn't like that. She's..." He trailed off, trying to think of a word and Halt supplied, "Friendly?"

 "Yes." Will said simply. Jenny had always been a good friend, to everyone. She had practically smothered the younger ones with mothering them, and anytime Will had a problem he'd gone to her first. But it wasn't anything more than friendship and he hoped that Jenny would show that herself to the man sitting across from him. Then, he put Halt's teasing out of his head and straightened his shoulders. It was wonderful to see her again. He wasn't sure how they'd lost touch to begin with-Jenny tried to keep up with everyone-but after school he'd lost her address and she hadn't written either... he wondered if she knew where Alyss had ended up. Will had never had the courage to ask Horace.

  After they'd dropped off the protesting prisoner and written their reports, Halt and Will returned to the car and radioed in a Code 7 for lunch. With luck, they wouldn't have any calls until they'd had a chance to actually eat.

 True to her word Jenny had beaten them there, and Will spotted her familiar figure standing at the doorway. She beamed as they arrived, but refrained from speaking until they had been settled in a booth. The cafe was busier today than Will had yet to see it, and he had a sneaking suspicion that Duke had lost his most recent waitress yet again. Jenny was surveying the place with an appraising eye, drifting over the red and white checked table clothes, the slightly western flair the decorations lent, and the food that passed them. After a moment she sniffed and sighed. "You can tell a lot about the food just by the place and the smells. I feel it in my bones, they know how to cook here."

 Will grinned at her. "Did you get into chef school like you'd planned?" When her dimples disappeared he regretted the blunt question. Cooking school had been Jenny's fondest dream, and she had always talked about it so positively that he'd never once doubted but that she would succeed. 

"Not yet," Jenny said, fingering the fork on her napkin. "It takes more cash than I have right now, and with losing my job at the last place-"

"You were fired?"  As soon as he said the words aloud he wished he could retract them. "I'm sorry," he said more quietly. Jenny shook her head, and the blond curls bounced. 

"I'm not. It was a terrible place, and their food was the worst until I got there. I told them so."

 Duke rushed up to their booth before either man had a chance to reply to that, sliding thick mugs on the table. 

"Sorry, boys. You can probably guess how things are here." Turning to Jenny he asked, "Coffee or tea, miss?"

 "Coffee, please!" Jenny's dimples returned as she added, "I've been dying for a cup ever since I smelled your brew."

 Duke blinked, taken back by the evaluation. Then his white teeth flashed and he shook his head. "Well, thank you. Not very often I get such a fine compliment."

 "She's very good at judging food by its scent," Said Halt suddenly. Will glanced at him as the officer rested his arms on the table. "Going to be a chef, one of these days."

 Duke slid Halt's cup to him, but kept looking at Jenny with what appeared to Will a very calculating eye. "Are you, now? I imagine you keep fairly busy with that."

 Unsuspecting Jenny accepted her own cup and sipped carefully at the black liquid. Her eyes flashed approval but her voice remained even as she replied, "Halt exaggerates. I only told him I am working toward cooking school but am currently out of work. It will be a while before I get anywhere near chef status."

 Will could see where this was going, and smacked himself for not putting it together himself. Of course. Duke needed a waitress, and Jenny already approved of the place. He remained silent, not daring to intrude on the course that had been set. Duke was plainly eager as he turned to Jenny.

 "Well how about my place?" He asked bluntly. "I am a small cafe but I pay fairly and the hours aren't bad. You could start tomorrow?"

 Another thing that Will had always admired about Jenny, was her ability to think quickly and make accurate decisions. With a look about the room she leaned her chin on her hand and smiled up at the anxious man. "How about I start today?"

 Duke let out his breath in a loud exhale. "Jenny, you are a saint. I have a clean apron you can have-but finish your meal, of course!"

 Hurrying to the back as if he were afraid she might change her mind if he stayed any longer, Duke retreated through the kitchen doors before Will turned to Halt. Sipping his coffee, the man was already studying the printed menu card and ignoring them, and Jenny's shining eyes.

 "Thanks ever so much, Halt!" Then her forehead creased. "But how do you know I'm a good cook? What if I hadn't been?"

 The faintest of smiles crossed Halt's lips. "I can recognize them as they come," He said, no doubt finding Jenny's confidence in her own cookery amusing. 

  "Hmm." Jenny mused. "I like your Halt O'Carrick, Will. He'll keep you in line and on your toes."

 Almost choking on his coffee, Will set the cup down and wiped his mouth. "I don't get into trouble."

 "You do," Halt replied. "But I'm used to it by now." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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