Episode 3 pt 4 Old Feuds, Bad Blood

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  The detectives had the scene in hand, and Halt left them to it, knowing they would be called back to fill out another long report later that he was more than happy to delay. None of the tell-tale trademark he had looked for, had been in the room with the body. Halt didn't know if he was relieved, or more concerned-the man that usually had been behind most of these types of murders was being strangely silent. It would break out, sooner or later, and he wanted to be on top of it when it did. So engrossed had he been in his own thoughts, that he suddenly realized they were two blocks away and his partner had been oddly silent. Sneaking a glance, Halt noticed that Will seemed lost in thought, his eyes only routinely checking the area, while drumming his fingers on the door frame. He recalled the scenario in the lobby, and wondered what the story had been between those two. As easy going as Will Treaty had seemed, Halt had noticed the frustration and irritation in his face, and the mute acceptance when the reporter had been unmasked as an imposter detective. The silence was making him feel almost unsettled, a missing element that he had become used to. Halt decided that head-on, was the best tactic.

 "How long have you known Horace?" he asked, keeping his voice neutral.

It had the effect of a firecracker dropped in the Rookie's lap. He all but jumped, then tried to cover his reaction. "Horace?" Treaty's voice sounded too casual, but then he evidently realized that his partner remembered that he had called the reporter by first name without introduction, and dropped the act of not remembering. "I guess most of my life. We didn't keep in touch, after- school..."Will finished lamely. "I didn't make him too happy, the last time we saw each other."

 Halt grunted. "It doesn't seem surprising." He waited, but no further comment seemed forthcoming. They had turned the corner into a residential area, the streets orderly and calm, a strange contrast to the scenes already seen before the morning's shift had fairly started. As they left the avenue and turned to head back towards the business district, Will spoke.

 "Is that all..we're going to do?" When Halt turned his head briefly and raised and eyebrow, he amended. "I mean, sir, is that all we do for the detectives? Shouldn't we follow the case and .." he trailed off and Halt picked it up.

 "Go after the baddie? No. We're policemen. We protect the citizens, they seek justice for the wronged. And reporters do their job of alerting the public." He sensed Treaty sinking back into his seat, and added, "There's a lot of work for us as it is. They'll do their best and we'll do ours." Dimly he recalled speaking those words to another gun-ho cadet, a similar eager face that had fallen when he had told them, in his usual terse manner, that they were policemen and not detectives. And the memory caused the usual ache in his chest to pinch, so he quickly pushed it away and looked over at his new partner, adding, "Cheer up. We'll have plenty to do before the shift is over." 

 Treaty's face cleared a little, as he realized that Halt wasn't angry, and he even smiled back just a little. "Yes, sir."

  The boy wanted to avenge himself of being tricked, the senior officer realized, but he would have to learn professionalism in his work. Halt had a feeling that he was going to learn it well. As they sat at a stop sign, a car raced past, blowing through and nearly colliding with another car that was taking their rightful turn. With a sigh, Halt spun the wheel, Treaty already flipping the siren switch that announced their return to duty. With a shriek they were off, pedestrians stopping along the store fronts to stare, excited to witness the chase. 

  The car hadn't slowed down, and was making it's way further into town, strangely. Halt gripped the wheel, muttering under his breath as they passed cars and trucks, trying to pull out of the path of the law. "Get on the horn and radio us in to headquarters," he told Will as they passed another intersection.

  Treaty grabbed the radio in and gave their call sign and position. "..on eight and Market St, Suspect is in a green sedan.." His voice had lost all hesitation, crisp and clear. As Halt swung them around a corner that made their tires squeal, he gauged the road ahead in a quick sweep. "We're going to force him to stop," he said, noting the lack of cars on the road. Pushing the metal down, the officer began to creep up on their quarry when the sedan suddenly swerved, fishtailed, and then slewed wildly.

 "They're going to wipe out!"

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