Episode 7 part 3 Dark Tidings

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Regardless of the fact that the morning workers had long since departed, and the lunch hour customers had yet to make an appearance, the tables inside were already beginning to fill up. Halt had no trouble with finding the booth in the far back corner empty, however. Duke made certain to keep it open and waiting for them. The cafe owner rushed past them as they entered, and his long face split into a smile.

"Be with you fellah's in two shakes of a lamb's tail," Duke boomed.

As they seated themselves, Will gazed about the room slowly, taking in the people there. Next to him, Halt was doing the same through half-closed eyes that never missed a beat or movement. There was little conversation to listen to however, and Will soon took up the printed menu card, whereupon he gave his thoughts over to the sandwiches. 

 "I'm sorry, fellah's. It has been a busy morning and my waitress walked out on me last evening unexpectedly."

As he poured dark coffee into their thick mugs with a simple, fluid motion, Duke shook his head and sighed. "I can't seem to get them trained in time for the next gathering."

 Will took the mug of coffee more out of politeness than a desire for it. Duke's coffee was a stout blend that he didn't have much stomach for. It didn't phase Halt, who took a large swallow before ordering from the harried café owner. As Duke hurried away, Will put his elbow on the table and leaned his head on his fist thoughtfully.


When his partner grunted, the young officer took that as a signal to proceed and carefully worded his question.

"You and the others keep saying Northolt was part of the group that took down Morgarath. How many others were there?"

 Turning in his seat, Halt studied Will in silence for a moment. "There were Six. Northalt, Crowley, Mayor Duncan, Lorriac, Rodney, and myself. Northalt was the Police Captain at that time, and Crowley and I served under him." Halt wrapped his hands around the mug of coffee, staring into its depths. "He was the best of leaders. Through his efforts, mostly, we managed to strike through the corruption in our ranks-Rodney kept the presses clear, and Duncan worked with his connections in the social class to bring the efforts to fruit."

Will nodded, his mind picturing the group of young men, fighting for justice against a crime lord intent on eating the city. "Who was Lorriac?" he asked suddenly.

 One side of Halt's mouth turned up. "Ah, hot-headed Lorriac. He was a banker, and helped us with part of the snare used to catch Morgarath up in fraud. I haven't seen him in years, but he retired recently and hasn't slowed down one bit. I wonder if I should go see him," Halt mused. Will had the feeling that the officer was repeatedly forgetting his presence. He didn't mind, but it worried him how deeply the man was taking the news of Northalt. They were served their food not long after that, and he listened around the room instead while Halt continued with his thoughts. His ears were sharp, a point that always startled Gilan when the officer tried to sneak up on him in the break room, but he rarely employed it unless needed.

Now he listened, filtering out the chit chat and searching for the city's opinion. All around him was the whisper of the strike. A grumble of rents being raised, and a sigh that things just didn't seem to be getting better. The mood in Redmont was more dire than Will had ever found it before, and he found his own spirits sag under it all.

 "what do you hear, Will?" Halt's eyes never left the top of his coffee mug, but he was waiting for a reply with an intent set to his shoulders.

 "An ill wind gathering force," he said at length. 

The officer shot him a keen look, nodding to himself. "And when will the rest of the city realize that, I wonder," he mused. 

 Still feeling the lingering weight in the room, Will couldn't refrain from asking another question.

"Halt? Do you think we can do anything about it?" Tripping over his words, he rushed on, "If Mor-if you know, he shows up after all? Is there going to be anything we can do?"

 Halt O'Carrick looked at the boy before him seriously. Yes, in many ways he was still more of a boy. Young, untested by the streets. But he was sincere, learning, and there was a quality in the dark brown eyes that were asking him to answer his question honestly, that was worth more than many people's intentions. Will pulled the good that was in people. He found himself constantly amazed by this rookie. And in a sense, Halt realized he had still been learning by Will's side; that he still had much to learn, about this officer he worked with day after day.

 Feeling his certainty rising, Halt gave Will a rare clap on the shoulder. "There will be. Never let yourself doubt, Treaty. He is a man who has been thwarted, set back and defeated. You should never underestimate him, but you must not ever believe him. He won't make it a second time."


Outside the café Redmont, a man walked down the street. As the two officers left the establishment he stopped at the corner and watched them. Across the street, another man raised a camera and put the car, the men and the cafe within frame before pressing the button, the shutter making a barely audible click against the background of car motors. Lowering his brownie, the man smiled, his strangely pointed teeth giving him a sinister look as he chuckled.

"Predictable, Halt O'Carrick."

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