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I've been a diligent student so I could only update now hhhu


Yoongi knew Jungkook always woke up early to make breakfast, but this was the first time he felt the weight slowly leaving the bed as Jimin curled up closer to him. Looking around him, the room he had prepared for his Luna was slowly forming into a room for three. But apart from the King-sized bed, there wasn't a trace of Jungkook in the room.

Only when the butler was out of the room did Yoongi force himself up. Perhaps it was the effect of the second session of the transmutation. The Alpha checked his phone, there wasn't a message from the team he sent to retrieve the Luna seed. Time was running out, yet at that moment, it felt like life had paused. Jimin shuffled in his sleep, softly mumbling as Yoongi placed a pillow in his arms. Yes, Yoongi knew. He always knew like a feeling that was born before he was, Jimin was his whole world.

After closing the door gently behind him, Yoongi followed Jungkook into the kitchen. The ingredients were all placed out as Jungkook hummed as he began preparing breakfast. Even as he wandered inside he didn't quite understand why he was here. "Are you in a good mood?" Yoongi asked as he moved closer to the kitchen counter. The answer was clear, he wanted to become closer to the one that held a part of Jimin's heart.

"Why state it like a question?" Jungkook chuckled as he pushed the bowl towards Yoongi. "Start mixing. You want to help me make a cake today?" He sang as he motioned for the Alpha to hurry and move.

"Cake..." Yoongi repeated as he realised what was inside the bowl, red icing.

"It's the Luna's birthday today." Jungkook mused as he began cracking the eggs. "Red velvet cake."

"I didn't know," Yoongi mumbled as he began mixing. He seemed to be doing it incorrectly as Jungkook held his hand, showing him the correct motion before moving away. "I haven't even got him a present." The Luna's birthday was always a grand event, with so many things happening he had forgotten to be informed of a special day such as a birthday. He wondered if it was too late to prepare something grand for this evening.

"You're not going to do something cheesy like a bouquet of flowers and a fancy dinner." Jungkook scoffed as he began washing some fruits to decorate the cake. He had also finished putting the batter together, filling a cake mould and placing it into the oven. "He becomes restless during his birthdays." The vampire explained. "Something simple like a cake and lazing around all day is enough for him."

"You must know all his favourites." Yoongi mumbled. He wondered if what Jungkook had been saying was true, that in a thousand years time he would know Jimin as much as Jungkook did. Or would he never truly catch up? "More than I do."

"How about I teach you a few?" Jungkook suggested kindly, he took out a notepad and began scribbling what Yoongi would assume were recipes. He spent the next thirty minutes slowly explaining everything Jimin liked to eat. As well as the secret recipes that he had. A thousand years worth of trial and error. The gap between him and Jimin was slowly closing with Jungkook's help. Yoongi was definitely thankful, not that he would say it aloud.

"What is his favourite?" Yoongi asked as he watched Jungkook take the cake out of the oven to cool, while he placed the icing into an icing bag.

"Patty and bread." The head butler replied without looking up.

"Hamburgers." Yoongi sighed. "I already know that." That was the first thing Jimin wanted to eat the first day they met. He smiled at the fond memory because Jimin was the happiest when he was eating something he liked.

"He likes eating anything that reminds him of the happiness he experienced. There will be a day where something you make without me would also be Jimin's favourite." Jungkook smiled as he gestured for Yoongi to begin adding icing to the cake. It was the Alpha's first time baking but in comfortable silence, the two was focused on making a pretty cake that was for the person they both treasured the most.

"How about you?" Yoongi said suddenly. "Is there something you like?"

"I want to try motorcycling." Jungkook laughed.

"Motorcycling? What are you, a rebellious teen?!" Yoongi scoffed.

"And what are you, a ghost Alpha?" Jungkook chuckled as he threw flour at Yoongi's face.

"Oh, you did not just do that!" Yoongi howled as he grabbed the leftover icing and threw it at Jungkook's face in retaliation. And the glare they sent each other was a declaration of war. Within seconds the whole kitchen was covered in food, flour, eggs and cream on their bodies. Without even realising, laughter slowly filled the room. Because that day, a weight had lifted.

"What do you think you two are doing?" Their eyes snapped to the door where Jimin stood with his arms cross, a disapproving look across his face as he realised the mess they were in.

The Alpha laughed as he lifted Jimin up bringing him to the counter where Jungkook threw some flour on him as well. Yoongi added a sweet cream on his pouting lips. "Now." Yoongi hummed. "You look delicious my love." He licked the cream on Jimin's lips as Jungkook revealed the cake they had made together as the sun began to rise, the light finally filling the room wholly.

"Happy birthday my love." They sang simultaneously.

Jimin's lips trembled as he began to cry, soon wiping away his joyful tears as he blew out his candles. Missing his wish because Yoongi knew that Jimin was in a state of happiness one that couldn't be increased by a wish. "You idiots. I love you."

"My Luna I want to know about your fondest memory." Yoongi smiled as he held Jimin's hand.

"Hmmm." Jimin smiled. "I remember when you took me into a lingerie shop... after I broke into the treasury. When I fell down from the window and tried to cover myself. You wore such a florid complexion. And it was that precious moment, I knew of your innocence." He giggled as he placed a peck on Yoongi's lips. "Then I remembered when Jungkook first made me a patty, I realised he had opened up to me. You two are my fondest memories." He placed another gentle kiss on Jungkook's lips. It was then when Yoongi realised, this love between them no longer hurt him the way it did before. Because there was a part of Jimin that was only known to Jungkook, but there was also a part of him that was only known to Yoongi. They needed both to view him completely. And like Yoongi had always known, he loved every part of Jimin because his love had no flaw.


If all of you is all I have,
I'm holding nothing in my hands

Love Minty xx

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