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I couldn't write much this week because of an essay for uni 😭😭 I hope you didn't forget about this sorry hehe


The following months had passed swiftly. Peaceful days forming into fleeting moments as the days withered into the night. They had finally moved into their new home within the protection of the wolf clan that had adopted them into their society.

Their little cottage was filled with the melodic sound of their mother who was sweeping the floor as she hummed. Aera sang along as she unpacked the clothes. Yoongi smiled as he wiped the tables beside Jimin who sat on the stool, his little legs hanging as he watched his human quietly. Yoongi noticed Jimin didn't move things around when other people are in the room. He wondered if he was cautious or if he was scared. He didn't want his new friend to be scared of anything, not when he had such a docile personality. Jimin wouldn't hurt anybody. He just couldn't.

"Since it's our first day here, why don't you two go to the town to make some friends." Their mother smiled. "Leave the rest of the chores to me. But be home in time for dinner."

"Really?" Aera dropped the wooden box she was carrying, clearly excited because just like Yoongi she loved playing. She grabbed her sibling's hand and led Yoongi outside before he could react.

"Wait, if you run too fast. Jimin can't keep up with us." Yoongi slowed down and ran back to the house to grab Jimin's hand. Jimin always walked slowly and Yoongi wouldn't want him to get lost.

"Yoonie." His mother called. She crouched down to meet him at eye level. It was an expression his younger self couldn't understand but now that he was looking back on his memories, Yoongi realised he should have known what her worried expression really meant. "Don't tell your new friends about Jimin. They are too young and so they won't understand."

"But mama." Yoongi frowned. "I want Jimin to make friends too."

"Yes, my dear." She said softly as she cupped her child's cheek. "But you're the only one Jimin can see. This means other children can't so you have to be Jimin's friend alright?"

"Yes mama." Yoongi nodded slowly. He looked at Jimin who was playing with the hem of his shirt. "I'll protect Jimin and be his friend."

Aera held her hand out for Jimin, even though she couldn't see him. "I'll be his friend too."

Suddenly, Yoongi who could only see Jimin saw how the little boy had hidden behind him. Was he overwhelmed or was it because it was the first time Aera had really reached out to him? He didn't realise Jimin would feel awfully shy.

"But Yoonie." His mother warned. She seemed like she was hesitating before a smile formed on her lips. "Never mind, have fun today my loves."


After walking around, Aera and Yoongi found some children playing in the forest clearing behind the houses. Aera excitedly pointed at them while Yoongi shyly hid behind her and Jimin hid behind his human. They were playing with sticks, pretending they were heroes on a battlefield. A majority of them had wolf pup demons running around them just like Aera. Now that Yoongi thought about it, that was probably the reason Jimin appeared to him as a boy his age because a demon is a mirror of the master they follow. But Jimin wasn't like him at all.

"Hi I'm Aera and this is Yoongi. Can we play with you? What are you playing it looks fun?" Aera waved at the other children, she was always someone that could easily get on well with new people. They waved back enthusiastically until the moment they saw Yoongi. He watched with confusion as they stepped back. One of the boys even ran up to Aera, pulling her towards their side.

"Stay away from that kid." They whispered to her. "We saw them talking to themselves and someone said they saw objects float around them. Freak." They yelled as they pointed their sticks at Yoongi.

Yoongi's trembling legs felt weak as he slowly covered his mouth. They hated him, all of them did and he didn't even do anything wrong. He didn't expect such horrible words to be said. Even more, he hated that Jimin had to hear all of this. Even if he wanted to say something he couldn't. But he had to keep his promise to his mother, he couldn't tell them about Jimin.

"Don't say that about him!" Aera shouted. "I'm the big sister so I won't let you say mean words about Yoonie."

But the other kids weren't listening. They grabbed Aera while the rest started hitting Yoongi with their sticks. "Freak." They sneered repeatedly. Beating him up like a rag doll, as if he couldn't feel pain. Because to these kids who didn't understand, Yoongi was a fearful monster in their eyes. "Our parents said you will hurt us. So stay away from us." They shouted.

Yoongi knew the truth as he curled into a ball, vulnerable to their attacks. A muffled cry passed his lips, as wounds burst all over his body. The rumor had spread around the wolf pack that Yoongi had summoned a malignant devil. But how could a devil reside in a body of such a sweet boy with red doe eyes. From the corner of his vision, he saw the tears slowly trickle down Jimin's cheeks. It was the first time he saw Jimin react to anything. He wouldn't smile when Yoongi told him a joke. He wouldn't yawn as Yoongi tucked him into bed every night. Jimin's eyes had always been pinned on Yoongi from the very start and for once Yoongi wished he would look away. 'Don't watch.'

But Jimin moved his hand and the children that were attacking him flew into the air. When they landed on the ground they scrambled away, scared. "We knew it, you're a monster!" They yelled thinking Yoongi was the one that was controlling them.

Aera wailed painfully as she ran to Yoongi hugging him tightly. "I hate them. I hate them." She repeated. "How can they do this to you? I'm going to tell mama."

"Aera I'm okay." Yoongi groaned slightly. He noticed his fingers and arms were all bloody and bruised. Jimin crouched down next to him, there were tears forming delicately in his eyes. Yet from his lips there were no sounds. "Jimin don't hurt the other kids okay. Mother said we need to look out for people always."

Jimin slowly reached out for Yoongi's finger where blood began to trickle. He held Yoongi's hand preciously as if he were a glass doll that was able to shatter at any moment. Yoongi carefully watched as Jimin's tears continued to stream down his face. Unhappiness wasn't an expression Yoongi wanted Jimin to have. But most often pain is something more easily felt and even more difficult to forget. The kind-hearted boy with eyes like red jewels licked the cut off his finger. It was at that moment, Yoongi first saw something other than an empty void in those eyes.

"Are you-" Aera gasped. "Are you Jimin?" Yoongi glanced between Aera and Jimin. She could see him? She could actually see him? "I didn't know you had such pretty red eyes."


Thank you for reading ☺️

Love Minty xxx

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