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This numbers are getting longer...

Present day

Before the helicopter could land at the centre of the Grand Estate, Hoseok and Jungkook had jumped off with Jimin in their arms. "His regeneration rate is usually a split second," Jungkook shouted over the commotion. "Why is he still feverish?"

Hoseok took the role of the estate doctor, not that they needed medical attention. The three butlers of the house as well as the Master, were all vampires that were capable of healing without any help. "I'll bring the Master to his chambers and have a thorough check, I noticed a foreign scent and a scar on his neck. There is a high possibility he was given the sacred marks that werewolves give to their fated pair."

The thought was absurd, Jungkook didn't want to dwell on something as ridiculous as this. So he didn't. "Send the Master inside first." He threw the small box Jimin had given him towards Taehyung who had stepped out of the helicopter last. "Begin extracting the jewel, I need to make a call."

The two had left to do their duties as Jungkook dialled a number on his phone. "Alpha Clove, Butler Jeon is speaking. My greatest thanks for your help today. I request you to report to the Estate tomorrow evening at the latest. We need your advice concerning the sacred mark between fated pairs."

"Currently, Alpha Min is investigating all the guests at the ceremony. I'm unable to leave his territory because I was seen talking to the Master, I am the most suspicious one here." The line was silent for a few moments. "I'll send someone I trust to represent me. No need for thanks, if this is for the Master."

Jungkook hung up, he had to follow Taehyung into the lab so he could check on the process of extracting the ring. They had to crush it and turn it to liquid, so he could drink it. It was such a simple proceedure compared to the stealing the jewel.

The military had stationed themselves outside the estate by the time Jungkook entered the mansion, he could see the maid's running around frantically with large bowls of water and a cloth rested on their arms. He was confused why they all seemed to be headed towards the Master's chambers. Running up the steps, he pushed the door open. He didn't want to worry, but there ws a sinking feeling that wouldn't escape him. In the distance, he could see Jimin coughing up blood, his white sheets stained with the colour deeply rooted in the vampire's eyes. "What's happening!" Jungkook shouted.

Jimin had never been ill before. There wasn't a scar that could mark his body or a disease that could take him away from the world. Death wasn't a possibility. But what was this? What was happening to him? Jimin's eyes were swollen, there were dark circles he hadn't noticed, his wrist was thinner. He was groaning in pain, his hands on his neck. The mark... looked like it was burning him from within.
"Did they know what we were doing?"  The head butler ran to Jimin's side, holding him. "Did they plant something in him?"

"I'm not sure," Hoseok said honestly as he wiped Jimin's mouth. The Master was falling unconsciously into Jungkook's arms. He was mumbling words that they both couldn't understand. Jimin's body was incredible weak, like a glass doll ready to break. For the first time, if Jungkook held him too tightly, he would break. "I believe the mark that was given to him is what's causing him to reject your blood."

Jungkook felt every part of him clamp up and turn numb, his chest tightened further, the cord of reason within him ready to snap. Whenever he recalled the first day he met Jimin he knew the truth. Jimin needed someone new to feed on, someone healthy, someone that would be loyal and reveal their neck at the moment of vulnerability. Over the years he had accepted it wasn't fate that brought them together. It was coincidence. When Jimin needed someone and when Jungkook needed someone, they had found each other. It wasn't as romantic as fate between soulmates. Jungkook's main role was to provide blood for him. It had been his role for a thousand years. And after all this time, he had promised not to fail him again. How was this possible?

"Send an untapped call to Alpha Min." Jungkook knew what he had to do. But that was his greatest dilemma. What if Jimin didn't need him anymore? "I need to have a word."


Love Minty xx

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