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Hello ☺️☺️


Yoongi's only wish was granted by such a simple thing. He wanted Jimin to be seen by the world. He wanted to talk to him in public without anyone finding him weird. And only a drop of blood was required for Jimin to be seen by people for a whole day. But no one knew Jimin was Yoongi's demon. Yoongi hadn't seen Jimin express himself like he did when Yoongi was four. Even as the seasons continued to change, Jimin's expressions were minimal. It was difficult for any other person to understand if Jimin was happy or upset. But Yoongi could tell. He could feel Jimin's emotions like they were his own.

Perhaps it was because demons were connected to their Masters. But Yoongi realised, with time his own emotions were being reflected back at him through the precious hue of crimsons in Jimin's eyes.

Twelve years had passed since the day Yoongi summoned Jimin. And Jimin's silence had become Yoongi's sanctuary. In the morning they would gather eggs from the chicken coup and berries in the forest. In the afternoon as Yoongi ate lunch, Jimin would sit beside him. Even if Yoongi placed a plate of food before him, Jimin wouldn't touch it. Then they would walk to the lake at the end of the forest. Their favourite place besides the large tree, where the soft chirps of birds would fill the silence. Yoongi would read Jimin a book by the lake until the sun would set. To him, Jimin was a shadow that never disappeared even when the light did. He would only sit down next to Yoongi watching him closely, worried that if he ever blinked, Yoongi would disappear from his sight. At least that was what Yoongi wanted, Jimin to care for him in the same respect. Because Yoongi grew accustomed to his presence, so what was he to do if the person that was like the moon to him, disappeared leaving him without light in the dark.

"This book." Yoongi smiled as he continued to examine the pages. "It's about the theory of demons. They say demons form a part of your subconscious. Species of people who can summon demons form because the average person is no longer able to control their own emotions on their own. They need a median, something to stabilise-"

"I knew you were all here!" Aera yelled as she jumped on them both, falling on top of them as she giggled.

"Did you just come back from training with the other werewolves?" Yoongi groaned as he tried to push her off. "You've been away for almost a week already."

"Why did you miss me?" Aera sniggered, she went over to squish Jimin's cheeks. "How about you Jimin?"

"Don't do that." Yoongi frowned as he finally broke free, gently pushing her off Jimin so he could sit up. "He's not a baby."

"Jimin doesn't hate it." Aera frowned. Suddenly she placed her hands on her head, patting around like she was looking for something. "On no my hat! The sun hat Lily got me, did it get blown away by the wind?"

"Is it that over there?" Yoongi pointed at the object he saw drifting on the lake.

"Yes." Aera frowned. "Urghh I just got the hat today. I can't believe I lost it already." She leaned over the lake watching her hat, it was already a few meters away. "I'm sure the lake isn't that deep-" She wobbled slightly, falling into the lake like it was swallowing her.

Yoongi watched nervously at the surface of the water. "Is she stupid?" But there was nothing other than the bubbles floating up. "Aera this isn't funny," Yoongi shouted. "Come out of the water." He slowly shifted to the edge of the lake, he couldn't swim. But he didn't know if Aera was fine. "Jimin she's not coming out I have to-" He felt Jimin grab his arm, pulling him away from the lake. And before he could react, his demon had jumped into the water. "Are you crazy?!" Yoongi screamed. He began pacing. He was furious. He thought he should call someone. If he ran to the village and called for someone how long would it take for them to get back?

But before Yoongi could decide on what he should do, two figures finally emerged from the lake. Jimin levitated with Aera securely in his arms. She gasped for air as Jimin gently laid her down on the bank side.

"You idiot." Yoongi cried as he hit her head. "For a stupid hat, you wanted to throw away your life."

"I fell in," Aera mumbled, her cheeks flushing red as she looked to the ground. She hesitantly glanced towards Jimin where Yoongi watched her eyes dilate as if she were looking at a bright light. She leaned forwards, pressing her lips against Jimin's cheek. "Thank you... for saving me."

Yoongi felt his chest tighten, like a malignant force twisting his heart. A fury he couldn't understand an emotion that began to bubble at the pit of his stomach. Hate came in all forms but as young as Yoongi was, jealousy was something that couldn't be suppressed. It could only feed on other emotions, even the good ones until one day even those would be devoured. Because a destructive emotion such as this was something he couldn't control. Without thinking, Yoongi feared the cold feeling that wrapped tightly around him, and he ran.


I'm still praying this isn't rushed hehe

Love Minty xx

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