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Hello ☺️


"Let's not go to training today." Jimin whispered against Jungkook's neck, the older wrapping his arms around the human's waist. They were still naked from their endevours. Jungkook could still feel the bites Jimin left all over his body, it was a sensation that stayed with him. He had reached the point beyond addiction. This beautiful vampire was tempting him again. Jungkook tried to control himself as he felt Jimin's fangs graze his already bruised neck.

"Jimin." Jungkook blushed. He was only allowed to call the Master by his name when they were alone. And as the weeks went by, it was almost impossible for them to be apart. Since the incident at the alley, Jungkook had been training in combat with Jimin. He was determined to learn how to fight so if there was a repeat of the last attack, then he would be ready. Jungkook only wanted to train hard so Jimin could rely on him and to protect himself so that he could keep his promise. To stay with Jimin for a long time. "You've been keeping me from my duties, I haven't been managing the estate like I used to." He sighed.

"But I'll be going on a two week long voyage to the east." Jimin frowned, Jungkook could feel his pout against his skin. And even this most subtle touch was electrifying. "You declined my offer to come with me. You usually come with me, so why not this time?"

"I have to finish my training with the guards." Jungkook kissed Jimin's hand gently as an apology. "Plus, an important investor will be here at the end of the week, we have already decided I would go in your place. And it would give me enough time to catch up on the work I've missed."

Jimin grinned as he looked for Jungkook's lips, planting another kiss. "You should rest as well. I've been rougher on you these past few days." The vampire's fingers graze Jungkook's wounds. And it was insane, every time Jimin touched him he honestly felt like he was on fire.

"You don't need to go easy on me." Jungkook frowned. He was about to put his shirt on but Jimin was right, they wouldn't be seeing each other for two weeks, perhaps missing a day of trainning wouldn't hurt. So he tossed his clothes to the side and climbed on top of Jimin to kiss him once again. He wrapped his arms around the older's neck. He sighed with content when he felt Jimin grip his waist. He could never understand, was it the vemom Jimin gave him or was it Jungkook's love for him that caused this reliance. "Take as much of me as you want."

"You'd turn anemic my love." Jimin groaned. His words clearly against his actions. Jungkook could feel Jimin's fangs graze him and it drove him erotically insane.

"Please Jimin." Jungkook moaned as he grew hard once again. It was an indescrible feeling. He only needed one person in his life. Jimin had become his anchor.

The human groaned as he felt Jimin smirk against his lips. "Since you asked so nicely."


I hope you like, two more chapters and it's back to Yoongi xx

Love minty xx

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