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Heyo ☺️


"I don't know what to do anymore." Jungkook's voice crumbled as he wiped his tears away. He looked up at the Alpha.

"Come." Yoongi called as he took Jungkook's hand. "I have something to show you."

The Head butler followed, his eyes were swollen from crying. But with the little courage he borrowed from the Alpha, he followed him, finding himself stood at the front of the mansion where a new black motorbike was waiting.

"What's this?" Jungkook mumbled. "Are you sending me away?" No matter what happened there was always a seed of doubt within him when it came to the Alpha. And even if he were sent away, where would he go?

"You said... you wanted to ride a motorbike." Yoongi smiled, although it was a poor attempt at it, Jungkook was grateful. But he wasn't confident to acknowledge it. "So let's go for a ride."

"There aren't any helmets." Jungkook found himself say.

"We die or we live whether or not it's from the motorbike." Was it an attempt at a joke? Jungkook wondered. He would laugh if he had the energy to. But he didn't. He hopped onto the motorbike, the Alpha saddled behind him. He felt the Alpha's cheek against his as he peered over Jungkook's shoulders. "Just drive until the fuel runs out."

The engine roared and soon they were out of the mansion grounds. Jungkook took the path before him, passing the city, the forest and into valleys far beyond the doors of the Alpha's mansion. Yoongi hadn't said a word, just held his waist and looked ahead. They both looked ahead. No longer thinking any heavy thoughts like what could come with tomorrow. Or even today. Just vacant thoughts that filled the silence. What more was there to say? Plenty. Yet in this lengthy moment where the road soon became rocky, Jungkook was in a moment he never imagined he would be in. One without Jimin. One with the Alpha. And he... he felt a smile creep along his lips.

Was this Yoongi's way of comforting him? Or was the Alpha comforting himself? Perhaps they had reached a stage in life where the only forms of comfort they could receive were from each other.

Like all paths, the one they took had an end. The sky was like a phenomenal sight of light in various pinks and oranges. The road they took leading to the edge of a cliff. Jungkook could go straight ahead if he wanted to. That was his plan before, after giving the cure to Yoongi he would accept his fate and dive straight into the beautiful colours of death. Yoongi's grip on him had tighten. It was affirmative, the reigns were in Jungkook's hand. Where Jungkook went... it was the Alpha who would follow.

The edge of the cliff meet the wheel of the motorbike and that was where Jungkook chose to stop. And so the truth he tried the hardest to hide had come to light.

"See." Yoongi whispered. As if he knew as if this was his whole purpose. "You want to live too."

Jungkook had fallen off the bike as he pulled Yoongi with him. There they were two lost souls in the middle of nowhere. They had traveled so far yet were back where they started.

"The first thing I cooked for him was a burnt patty." Jungkook mumbled. "With bread that wasn't made right. He ate it deliciously and he would smile. And I wouldn't sense falseness or insincerity."

Jungkook remained in Yoongi's arms. Like his body had surrendered to the comfort in his enemy. But Yoongi was more than someone who had been on the opposing side. They laid down on the ground, panting like they were holding their breaths. Just the breeze in the distance and the light that seemed to fade around the round moon. Yoongi's chest rose and fell from his breathing. And Jungkook's thoughts were usually vacant unless they wandered into painful territory. Jungkook slowly revealed the colours of his life with Jimin. So Yoongi would know how they met. How he loved him and how he had no choice but to hurt him.

"He liked meadows." Yoongi replied. "We would walk to the willow tree, and his eyes would wander curiously, hesitant but filled will wonder. He couldn't use words, but I knew... he liked that place very much."

"Yoongi-" Jungkook hadn't called the Alpha's name so casually before. "I don't know myself without him. I don't remember anything before he was in my life."

"Before Jimin, you were a kind person." Yoongi answered.

"Why am I evil in your eyes?" Jungkook mumbled, hiding his face in Yoongi's chest.

"No... I think it's something that will always be a part of you- because that's what Jimin saw in you." Yoongi spoke softly and Jungkook lingered on every single word.

"Why do you think Jimin was the one that was summoned by you that day? You could of summoned a different demon." Jungkook was curious.

"Because I asked for a friend... and Jimin took that shape in my life and became something more."

"A lover?" Jungkook whispered.

"He was always more than that." Yoongi smiled sadly. "He was my treasure, my happiness and my pain. And I loved him with every part of me. Even the part of me I couldn't control."

"I can't regret anything now." Jungkook said. "And even if there is guilt I would do the same thing all over again."

"I hurt so many people." Yoongi's voice trembled. "And Jimin paid the hefty price."

"But if you didn't-" Jungkook interrupted. "I would never have been able to meet him."

"And if you hadn't saved him, I wouldn't be able to meet him in this lifetime." Yoongi added.

"If there was something you could do now what would it be?" Jungkook asked.

"I'd save you." Yoongi answered honestly.

It was an answer which shocked Jungkook. After all he had done after all that had happened. He knew a large part of him wanted to save Yoongi too. It was almost ironic. In the silence as he thought mere thoughts, he felt Jimin's warmth haunt him. Like it haunted Yoongi. As if Jimin were here because the two halves of them belonged to the Master. And it was enough. Even though the grains of time were slipping by. Even when they had hurt others and themselves. Even when they still had to chose who had to take the pill and decide on the person who had to stay. Right now in this moment, Jungkook found serenity, though it was small, it was enough.

"Idiot." Jungkook muttered as he his eyelids felt heavy and sleep overcame him.


Next Chapter is Yoongi POV and the 100th chapter omg 😱

Love Minty xx

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