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Heyo ☺️ This chapter returns to the present from when Yoongi becomes a vampire.



Jungkook was breathless as he was brought to reality. Yoongi was slowly beginning his transformation. The chocolate brown leaving his eyes, and in its place, the colour of enchanted ruby roses bloomed. Like many before him, Yoongi felt the sharp pain of his soul being ripped from his body. The improbability of this transmutation had become a success. Yet Jungkook couldn't find it in himself to feel rejoiceful.

He yelled irrationally as he gripped onto Yoongi's shirt angrily. The foundation he prepared, the vision that would allow him eternal peace was all for nothing. With a single touch, Jimin's happiness was crumbling before him and even if he were to change his plans, it would be far too late. He only had numbered days left. "You ruined everything!" He cried as he threw Yoongi towards the other side of the room, only to grab him again, as he screamed in agony. The peaceful death that awaited Jungkook was non-existent. He couldn't leave Jimin, the only one that ever mattered to him to someone like Yoongi. The Alpha had hurt Jimin enough.

"I didn't know!" Yoongi defended himself as he pushed Jungkook off of him. The small medical room turned into a mess as the two continued to exchange punches, their anger manifesting off of each other. "I didn't know I was hurting him!"

"I don't care!" Jungkook was trembling as his suppressed emotions exploded, he placed his hands around Yoongi's neck, pressing tightly. Wanting nothing more than to vent the hatred he carried for the person who poisoned Jimin's mind. "Your death wasn't enough to atone for your sins." The truth was in the form of the red hue eyes in Yoongi's eyes, certain actions were already irreversible.

"I know." Yoongi gasped as he finally managed to break away from Jungkook, smashing a flask on his head. "But I don't want to hurt you." He stepped away, running out of the room and towards the corridor of the empty laboratory ward where he tried to catch his breath.

Jungkook wondered how many hours how many days they spent holed in the room going through all of Yoongi's memories. Yet those thoughts disappeared when the thoughts of Jimin's misery came flooding back like a nightmare plagued with his lonely weeping. Yoongi's silhouette was in view, he was limping. It was fatigue, the energy which was drained from him. His body and soul adapting to the monster that was created. "Do you know how many times Jimin cried because of you?"

The Alpha froze in his steps, the words he didn't want to acknowledge were laid out in front of him with no remorse.

"Did you know ...?" Jungkook shouted, the memories that had kept him up as he felt unexplainable sorrow watching Jimin deal with it all on his own. "I've lost count of the days he trembled in his sleep. The number of panic attacks he suffered as he remembered you. There was a day we saw a willow tree. Just a fucking tree that randomly grew on the ground. But Jimin, the most precious and kind-hearted person I've ever met, feared it so much. He would fall on his knees, crying and gasping for breath as his eyes grew swollen. He would apologising over and over again. He would cry for hours and even though I held him close, nothing would comfort him." The head butler's tears had fallen, and perhaps his sight had been blurry. But nothing could possibly sate the defeat he had felt. "Whenever I tried to ask him about it I couldn't. How could I when the possibility of reminding him of the past was torturing his shattered heart? There were countless times he tried to end his life to seek his own peace, but he couldn't. And you mean to tell me... this is what happened? Because of you... because of your family..."

Yoongi looked back towards Jungkook who was walking towards him, the Alpha had fallen to his knees. And whether it was forgiveness or redemption, Jungkook had intended to provide neither. "I won't try to defend myself..." Yoongi whispered. "I hurt him. But you need to know, I didn't ask for it."

A single thought had entered Jungkook's mind as he raised his hand. Yoongi looked down on the floor as he awaited his fate. It was in the midst of a fraction of a second, where hesitation had lurked and at that moment Jimin used his body to protect Yoongi. The Master had pushed Jungkook away. It wasn't his normal strength, Jungkook knew as he had fought with Jimin countless times before. Jimin seemed like he had snuck out of the hospital, Jungkook could still smell the metallic scent of the needles as well as the alcohol used in hospitals. "Stop! I knew something was wrong when I woke up and you both weren't by my side." He glared, an expression, Jungkook had rarely seen on Jimin's face. "I thought you both agreed to be civil. That you were both fine now. What is the meaning of this?"

Jungkook wore a pained expression as he pointed to Yoongi. "The reason you suffered all these years was because of him!"

An aching realisation awoke on Jimin's face, he gently lowered the hand that was pushing Jungkook away, and with great fear and hesitation, he looked behind him. The Master raised the Alpha's chin where he finally met the dark crimson of Yoongi's eyes.

"No. No. No." Jimin mumbled repeatedly as he fell to his knees. "Tell me this isn't real. Tell me you didn't do this. Do you know what this means?!" Jimin screamed.

Yes, Jungkook was always aware of the consequences, he had prepared during the one thousand years he was given. He was even prepared to give away his happiness. Yet all this preparation was insufficient for the challenge ahead. "Did you already know it was him?" Jungkook's voice broke. And even in the silence, Jimin's answer was clear.


Next Chapter Jimin will reveal his perspective on love and pain, I hope you look forward to it💕

Love Minty xx

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